Kindergarten and Primary English Language Arts Lesson Plans

  • A to Z Efficiency - The students will be able to name the letters of the alphabet when the letters are written or sounded out to them.
  • A B Cs - Categorization of the alphabet and the objects that start with the letters of the alphabet, studied in class.
  • A Special Occasion - Students will write a story about a Special Occasion, then illustrate it and create a script for the final project which will be a PhotoStory movie.
  • African Surfari through Verbs - Analyze verbs, irregular, past tense, and present tense, and understanding how verbs match their subjects.
  1. All About Me, Learning Questions - Teach the child the WH questions. How and when to use a question mark?
  2. Allie the Adjective Alligator - While in small groups, the student will be able to name and write adjectives for Allie the Alligator.
  3. Alphabet Letters - Students will be able to recognize, identify and write the letters of the alphabet, with mastery of the letter C in this lesson.
  4. Alphabet Match - The structure for this cooperative learning lesson will be two students working together
  5. Alphabet Recognition - Children will learn to identify letters of the alphabet, especially letters in their own name.
  6. Amelia Bedelia Helps Out - Students will be able to understand the double meaning situations in Amelia Bedelia Helps Out.
  7. Beginning Sound Game - This cooperative learning structure was chosen because of the type of lesson and desired group structure.
  8. Beginning Sound Flashcard Game - The Flashcard Game will be used as a Mastery Structure to help students master the concept of beginning sounds cooperatively.
  9. Big Ideas!!! - To develop the ability to identify Big Ideas in narratives, using the strongest evidence from the text and make connections.
  10. Blending - Students will understand the basic features of reading.
  11. Book Response - The students will write their own personal responses to the book they have been reading as a class.
  12. Caption Writing - Caption writing using comic strips and an enrichment activity of writing captions for wolves in their natural environment.
  13. Character Attributes - Students will identify physical and personal attributes of a character using adjectives to describe the thoughts and emotions of the character.
  14. Character Bio Poems - Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response and expression.
  15. Children's Dental Hygiene - At the end of the lesson children will be able to identify the various foods that will affect their teeth negatively and those that will have a positive effect.
  16. Christmas - "Naughty or Nice List" - Explains to students that they should draw what the story means to them, rather than their favorite part.
  17. Combined Sentences - Students will be able to write more organized sentences of varying length in order to make student writing more fluent.
  18. Compare and Contrast -Students will understand that to compare two things as a means to tell how they are alike and how they are different.
  19. Compound Words - Students will be able to write sentences using compound words.
  20. Comprehension/Understanding - The learner will be able to demonstrate an understanding of books and print by identifying title, author, illustrator, characters and sequence of a story.
  21. Comprehension: Stripes - The purpose of this lesson is for the students to gain a better awareness on solving and representing addition story problems with circle drawings.
  22. Connecting Sounds with Letters - The Letter 'b' and the sounds it makes which creates words, naming familiar things in our environment.
  23. Cooperative Colors - Students will work with color words to think of objects that correspond to the different colors.
  24. CRF Map- Rhyming Words/Beg. Sounds - The students will make connections from their own ideas for doing wonderful things as they read and listen to literature in this unit.
  25. Eating P's - Students will be able to elaborate on existing knowledge of articulating /p/.
  26. Fairy Tales Letters - Students will be able to understand the feelings and thoughts of characters.
  27. Five Christmas Senses - Understand what rhyming is, and will be able to know what rhymes and what does not.
  28. Fixing a Broken Heart - The students are using their math skills to solve the problem with the correct answers.
  29. Focusing On Literacy - I want all of my students to learn their weekly spelling words, learn their high frequency words, to do well on their weekly story test, be able to read and comprehend the story of the week.
  30. Fun With Phonics - Given sufficient materials, students will complete a chart using a letter assigned by the teacher and present this project to the class through an oral presentation.
  31. Fun With Sentences - Students will be given a word by teacher and have an opportunity to put words together to make sentences as a class.
  32. Gender Equality - Popcorn! - Are boys and girls supposed to like certain things?
  33. Getting to Know Mr. Groundhog - Students will touch pictures with maximal assistance in the text of animals that hibernate.
  34. Going on a Bear Hunt - To increase abilities and predict outcomes.
  35. Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss - Students will become familiar with Dr. Seuss books, recognize rhyming words and make up their own rhymes.
  36. Hats Off with At - The learner will develop and apply enabling strategies and skills to read and write.
  37. Hershey Kiss Paragraph - The purpose of this writing assignment is to teach the students to write about sensory details, and express their minds about the way they look at things.
  38. I Feel Orange Today - To encourage the students to talk about their feelings by writing about what color they feel today.
  39. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Guided Reading - The students will practice critical thinking by predicting what will happen in a story using the illustrations and a few word cues.
  40. Inferring - Students will be able to determine meanings of unknown words by using their schema,paying attention to textual and picture clues, re-reading, and engaging in conversations with others.
  41. Inflections ed, ing - Review silent e concept with the ginger bread men.
  42. Julius - Students will be able to identify the characters in the story Julius, as well as the setting and sequence of events.
  43. Jump, Frog, Jump - Preschool activities to increase letter F recognition, to increase identification of uppercase and lower F and the initial F sound.
  44. Learning Letters and Sounds - Children will have a worksheet with pictures on it and teacher can help students identify the letters, sounds, and textures that go with pictures students will be able to get up and move around and also be able to help others.
  45. Learning Letters of the Alphabet - Using the letter of the alphabet are steps towards learning to read.
  46. Learning the Letter "G" Sound - This lesson will help students recognize and respond to the sound of the letter G.
  47. Learning the Short "e" Sound - Determine the pronunciation and meaning of words by using phonics (matching letters and combinations of letter with sounds), graphs, pictures, and context as well as knowledge of roots, prefixes and suffixes.
  48. Lesson Plan for Letter C - Students will be able to identify the sound of initial letter c.
  49. Lesson Plan for Teaching Phonics - This lesson is designed to help the students pronounce new words.
  50. Letter A - Writing the letter A while learning to recognize the letter in words.
  51. Letter and Sound of Mm - Know the sound letter Mm makes, be able to tell and identify words that start with letter Mm.
  52. Letter Recognition and Writing - Understanding letter sounds helps young children with beginning reading and writing skills.
  53. Letters and Sounds; M & O - Letter identification for M & O Sound identification for /M/ & short-/O/
  54. Life-sized character analysis - They will have a basic understanding of literal vs. figurative meanings.
  55. Literacy Block--Join the Circus - Discuss the effect of an author's choices for nouns, verbs, modifiers, and specific vocabulary which help the reader comprehend a fiction or nonfiction text.
  56. Long Vowel Laundry - Students will be able to differentiate between words containing long and short vowels.
  57. Main Idea & Supporting Details - Students will read and comprehend a text and be able to identify the main idea as well as the supporting details.
  58. Monster Project/Descriptive Writing - The students will create a descriptive writing piece using the computer along with a drawing.
  59. Moving with ABC's - Help the children that don't know the ABC's to learn them with other friends or classmates.
  60. Nouns and Verbs - Given a word out loud from the teacher, the student will say out loud whether the word is a noun or a verb three out of three times.
  61. Oodles Of Moons - Classifies and categorizes words into sets and groups with common characteristics.
  62. Opposites - Identify words that are opposites (adjectives).
  63. Parts of the Story - The student will be able to classified the parts of the story. Student can explain each one of them.
  64. Penguins are Cool!! WebQuest - A real interdisciplinary lesson.
  65. Phonemic Awareness Through The Letters - To help the students decode words containing the letter o when it is followed by a consonant and silent e using the book "Geronimo Stilton".
  66. Phonetic Awareness and Phonics - Students will decide whether spoken words have similar feature in the beginning, middle or ending of words.
  67. Phonemic Awareness - Students will be able to decode words containing the letter a when it is followed by a consonant and silent e.
  68. Phonics and Paragraph Words - This lesson is designed to help the pupil decode words containing the letter o when it is followed by a consonant and silent e.
  69. Phonics: Can You - Identify letter-sound correspondence c/k, /d/, /l/, k/k/ Identify short o and phonograms -ot, -op Identify rhyming words Identify high-frequency words.
  70. Phonics In Sentence Forms - This lesson is designed to help class decode words containing the letter o when it is followed by a consonant and silent e, in vocabulary and in sentences.
  71. Phonics - Reading of /o/ in Words - Given four sets of phonograms depicting the /o/, the pupil will visually discriminate the letters o consonant e pattern in the lists of words by underlining the letters which are the same in all the words.
  72. Plaidypus Lost - They should also know what sequence means when asked about it in any story. The students will review character and setting.
  73. Pipe Cleaner Spelling - Using pipe cleaners and a word list provided my teacher to allow students to experiment spelling words.
  74. Poetry -Chatterbox, The Rain - The use of personification to describe the rain and the use of onomatopoeia. Making wet-weather words.
  75. Predicting - Participate actively when predictable and patterned selections are read aloud.

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