Lesson Plan : Phonics - Reading of /o/ in words

Teacher Name:
 Miss Toplis
 Grade 2
 Language Arts

 Reading of /o/ in words and sentences, differentiating between /o/ in the consonant e pattern and the followed by a smartboard quiz
 1)Given four sets of phonograms depicting the /o/, the pupil will visually discriminate the letters o consonant e pattern in the lists of words by underlining the letters which are the same in all the words. 2)Given three sentences to read, the pupil will read the sentences and select words which have the o consonant e pattern by underlining them all correctly. 3)Given a paragraph which contains words having the o consonant e pattern, the pupil will decode those words by reading those words in the paragraph aloud correctly without any help from me.
 1)The teacher will write the following words on the board: mope, cope, rope, hope. The teacher will think aloud and model as she demonstrates how the letters in the phonograms are the same. She will say, "What letters are the same in all these words? The letters which are the same are ope. I am going to underline the o and cross out the e to show this changes the sound of the /0/ when the word does not end in an e. 2)The teacher will think aloud and model how to read a sentence and how to select a target word from the sentence. The teacher will write a sentence containing /o/ either on the chalkboard or on a piece of paper. The teacher will tell the pupil that she is going to read the sentence. For instance, the teacher will write the following sentence: The boy went to get the rope. The teacher will read the sentence. As she reads the sentence, the teacher will track her fingers under the words as she reads. She will say, "I will underline the word that contains the /o/." She will underline the word which contains the /o/ (eg. The boy went to get the rope.)
 1)I will write lists of words which contain the spelling o consonant e pattern and ask the pupil to notice how they are the same. I will write the following words on the chalkboard and discuss the similarities of the words with the pupil. We will discuss that the words all have the o in the middle and an e at the end. I will ask the pupil to underline the o and put a line through the e in each word (hose). If the pupil cannot do this, I will provide help. 2)I will supply sentences which contain the o consonant e spelling. I will write the following sentences on the chalkboard and ask the pupil to read them. I will ask the pupil to track the words as they are read and underline the words which have the /o/. If the pupil cannot do this, I shall provide help. The dog ran home to get his bone. The girl picked a red rose. The smoke was black.
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