Lesson Plan : Phonemic Awareness Through The Letters
Teacher Name: | Ms. Fischer |
Grade: | Grade 1 |
Subject: | Language Arts |
Topic: | Phonemic Awareness |
Content: | Students will learn through direct instruction decode words containing the letter "O" when is follow by a consonant and silent e. For example: rope lose rose come |
Goals: | |
Objectives: | - To help the students decode words containing the letter o when it is followed by a consonant and silent e using the book "Geronimo Stilton" - To extent the lesson to other interdisciplinary unit to support their understanding of this lesson - To introduce them appropriate materials that support phonemic awareness development |
Materials: | - Book: "geronimo Stilton" - Index cards - Pencils - Pointer - Sentence strips |
Introduction: | Before starting the lesson, I will review a phonics rule which was already learned in a previous spelling lesson. I will ask the students to complete a page from a phonics book. The spelling words will consist of words which are built using phonograms. The assignment will involve writing in the blank spaces of ten sentences with the correct spelling word from that lesson. If the pupil is able to complete the page with seven out of ten sentences correct, I shall introduce the following lesson. If the students do not meet the criterion for accuracy, I shall repeat the lesson involving the review set of phonograms. |
Development: | I will read a short story with the students. The story will be written at the instructional reading level of the student (_____). I will discuss the theme with the student. I will ask the student to retell the story. I will tell the student that he did a good job. I will tell the student that today he is going to learn how to decode or learn how to recognize new words. |
Practice: | The teacher will think aloud and model. The teacher will give the student a worksheet from the students phonics book. The worksheet will have six incomplete sentences which contain words having the o consonant e pattern. I will tell the students that he is going to complete the worksheet without any help from the teacher. I will read the directions and complete the first sentence. For instance, the directions will be to circle and write the correct word in the blank. I will say, "You are to circle the correct word and fill in the blank with the word you circle. The first sentence is, Let's use a secret ________ when we write. The possible choices are nose, code, or dome. Which word makes sense?" The teacher will read the three words into the sentence and say, "I think that the word code makes sense." I will complete the first sentence by circling the word code and writing it in the blank. |
Accommodations: | Esol students I will use TPR with students by giving directions and assessing the extent to which students comply and pair share. For ESE students I will pre-teach the vocabulary and concepts and I will break the lesson into steps or key components and monitor students comprehension as the lesson is presented. |
Checking For Understanding: | At the end of the lesson I will present the book "Geronimo Stilton and Cheese" to make them recognize words. |
Closure: | I will ask the students to tell me what he has learned today and we will go over some key pints of the lesson to reinforce the learning. |
Evaluation: | From the wall word students will form the words from the vocabulary words. |
Teacher Reflections: | This lesson provided the opportunity to teach students success and confidence related to phonemic awareness. I select the book "Geronimo Stilton" because provide a variety of vocabulary words with the letter e follow by a consonant and the silent e. Although the students did not finish on time, they enjoyed doing the worksheet activity. They asked me for help because some of the words were not easy to recognize. Through this lesson I learned that language and reading are related. Reading aloud to students daily is an essential to benefit them because they learn to recognize to value reading and discussing books as well as they are exposed to wide ranges of vocabulary and literature. In the future I will use this type of lesson plan because is an successful way to engage students in reading skills so they become aware of a variety of children's literature genres and formats. |
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