Lesson Plan : Nouns and Verbs

Teacher Name:
 Miss Meyer
 Grade 1
 Language Arts

 ELA Grade 1-2
 Nouns and verbs
 The student will understand what a noun and a verb are and when to use them. Standards: NETS: Basic operations and concepts: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems. Social, ethical, and human issues: Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity. Technology productivity tools: Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. Technology research tools: Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources. ELA: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response and expression: class and group discussion. Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding: use correct verb tense; write the following to transmit information � pictures and drawings.
 Given a word out loud from the teacher, the student will say out loud whether the word is a noun or a verb three out of three times. Given a digital camera, the student will take a picture of five nouns and five verbs. Given a worksheet with words, the student will decide whether the word is a noun or a verb 8 out of 10 times.
 digital camera, computer, printer, whiteboard, markers, worksheet
 To gain the attention of the class I will clap my hands in a rhythmic pattern and the students will have to follow with the same pattern. �Today you are going to learn what a noun and a verb are. Both are very important parts of a sentence. You need to know this because you will be writing sentences on your own and in order to write them correctly, you have to include nouns and verbs for the sentence to make sense. Does anyone already know what a noun and a verb are?�
 I will write the word noun on the whiteboard. I will tell the students that a noun is a person, place, or thing. I will write the definition on the board and ask the students to copy the definition into their notebooks. I will then give some example of what a noun is. I will tell the students that the desk they are leaning on is a noun because it is a thing. Their best friend is a noun because they are a person. Disney World is a noun because it is a place. When I feel that the students are comfortable with nouns, I will move onto verbs. I will write the word verb on the whiteboard and tell the students the definition. They will copy the definition into their notebooks. I will tell them that a verb is an action verb, something that you are �doing.� I will give some examples explaining to the class some verbs. Running, singing, and dancing are verbs because they are action words. Running, singing, and dancing are �doing� words. �We will now get some practice by doing some examples together.�
 I will call on students on the class and pick a word from something in the classroom. The student will then tell me whether the word is a noun or a verb. I will go through the whole class three times or until I feel comfortable that everyone understands the concept. I will be giving the students a thumbs-up sign when they give me the correct answer.
 If any student is having trouble with this, I will assign them to a partner.
Checking For Understanding:
 During guided practice, I will be walking around the classroom answering questions. While going over the pictures with the class, I will use a thumbs-up sign to show the student that they understand the concept. I will check for understanding during independent practice after the students have printed out their pictures.
 To review the information presented in this lesson, I will ask: �Can anyone tell me what we have learned? Why is it important to know what a noun is? Why is it important to know what a verb is?�
 Diagnostic: I will determine how much the students know about nouns and verbs during the introductory questions. This will let me know how much I have to teach. Formative: I will assess students� knowledge during guided practice by asking them questions. Calling on each student and asking him or her whether the word I am giving them is a noun or a verb is a formative assessment. This will tell me if they understand the information or if I need to re-teach it. Summative: The following day, I will give the students a worksheet of words and they have to write in whether they are nouns or verbs. If 90% of the class has a B or better, I will consider this lesson a success. If not, I will go back and review the information with the whole class.
Teacher Reflections:
 Did I motivate the students to learn about nouns and verbs? Was writing the definition of a noun and a verb on the whiteboard effective? Did I design enough exercises for students to master the skill? Did my thumbs up work well in checking for understanding? Were my questions in the closure inspiring? Did they allow me to see what the students learned in the lesson?

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