Lesson Plan : Beginning Sound Game

Teacher Name:
 Lindsey Wright
 Language Arts

 Letter Sounds used to form simple words.
 Cooperative Learning Structure: Communication Skills This cooperative learning structure was chosen because of the type of lesson and desired group structure. The beginning level dual language students work well in small groups and need good communication skills in that setting. Vocabulary: agree, disagree, communicate.
 English Language Arts and Reading, Kindergarten. (1) Listening/speaking/purposes. The student listens attentively and engages actively in a variety of oral language experiences. The student is expected to: (A) determine the purpose(s) for listening such as to get information, to solve problems, and to enjoy and appreciate (K-3); (2) Listening/speaking/culture. The student listens and speaks to gain knowledge of his/her own culture, the culture of others, and the common elements of cultures. The student is expected to: (A) connect experiences and ideas with those of others through speaking and listening (K-3); (3) Listening/speaking/audiences/oral grammar. The student speaks appropriately to different audiences for different purposes and occasions. The student is expected to: (B) use verbal and nonverbal communication in effective ways when making announcements, giving directions, or making introductions (K-3); (C) ask and answer relevant questions and make contributions in small or large group discussions (K-3); (4) Listening/speaking/communication. The student communicates clearly by putting thoughts and feelings into spoken words. The student is expected to: (B) use vocabulary to describe clearly ideas, feelings, and experiences (K-3); (7) Reading/letter-sound relationships. The student uses letter-sound knowledge to decode written language. The student is expected to: (A) name and identify each letter of the alphabet (K-1); (B) understand that written words are composed of letters that represent sounds (K-1); and (C) learn and apply letter-sound correspondences of a set of consonants and vowels to begin to read (K-1).
 The student will be able to better identify the letter sounds used to form simple words. The student will be able to feel comfortable expressing their own opinion in a small group setting.
 agree/disagree value lines for each student, markers for value lines, white board and dry erase markers, small group activity words response sheets,
 The students will be asked to identify simple words and the letter sounds that make the words in whole group setting.
 The agree/disagree value line will be discussed and explained. Vocabulary words will be identified and used in sentences. The activity will be explained and discussed.
 The students will be divided up into small groups and given their markers and value lines. The class will then have example words on the board to do in groups and share collectively.
 Students who need the picture spoken to them by the instructor or team member will be allowed.
Checking For Understanding:
 The students will be assessed in their feedback and participation during whole and small group. Formal assessment will be the group's response sheet.
 Students will be allowed to offer and identify new words not covered in small groups in a whole group setting again.
 Students will be evaluated in their participation in whole and small group settings. This activity could also be extended to individual worksheets as well as drawing response.
Teacher Reflections:

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