Middle School Level Math Lesson Plans
- Adding Integers - Students will use two different types of cereal to practice adding positive and negative integers. This will help them visualize how numbers cancel each other out.
- Finding circumference, diameter, and radius - This activity will allow students to measure the circumference, diameter, and radius of a circle in a hands-on way. By being able to manipulate a circle and stretch it out the idea of circumference will be more concrete. Students will use each other, desks, and chairs to create circles that can be measured.
- Plotting points on a graph - The students will use graph paper to plot points on a graph. When the points are connected they will make a familiar shape, number, or letter. They will practice reading coordinates to each other, as well as, practice plotting them. The activity is meant to be fun and light, not competitive or stressful.
- Polygons - The students will explore and create a poster design using polygons. The posters will be displayed in the classroom and students will be challenged to name as many of them as they can. This activity will allow students a tactile, expressive way to learn about polygons.
- Symmetry - The student will be able to identify objects that are symmetrical and draw half of an object by looking at the other half.
- 12 Days of Christmas - Love = Cost? - By the end of this class students will be able to that information from a chart and determine the relationship that the number have.
- A Plan for Problem Solving - Students will solve problems by using the four-step plan
- Add Fractions and Mixed Numbers - To add fractions and mixed numbers with unlike denominators.
- Addition and Subtraction of Unlike Fractions - Students will be able to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators by using their learned skills to find the greatest common factor and applying it to create fractions with like denominators.
- Adding and Subtracting Decimals - Consider the size of a decimal prior to developing approaches to finding exact decimal sums or differences.
- Adding Fractions - Students will be able to identify which fractions can be added, add and reduce fractions.
- Adding Integers With Objects - The students will be able to add integers ranging from -10 through +10 without manipulatives by the end of the class period.
- Adding Integers -10 to 10 - The students will be able to add integers ranging from -10 through +10 without manipulatives by the end of the class period.
- Adding Positive and Negative Integers - Students will be able to add with positive and negative integers without the use of manipulatives by the end of the lesson.
- Algebra Wizards - Students will learn the concept of a variable.
- Algebra- FOIL - The student will understand the procedure for multiplying 2 binomial expressions.
- Analyze a $1 Bill - Students will be able to identify symbols and words on bill when asked.
- Anyone for Pizza? - Understanding fraction relationships.
- Area of Circles - The learner will select and use appropriate tools to measure two- and three-dimensional figures.
- Area of Triangle - Students will recognize and define three different triangles.
- Basic Arithmetic Skills - The goal is to identify students whose weakness may be with adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing whole numbers.
- Charting Color Distribution - Using graphs to investigate information.
- Collectible Cubes - Use table to identify possible outcomes of independent events.
- Collecting and Analyzing Data - This project requires students to conduct a statistical investigation to determine some typical characteristics of students in their class.
- Common Multiples and Common Factor - How to find the least common multiple and the greatest common factor.
- Compare and Order Fraction and Decimal Equivalence - As students enter the room they will be handed a sticky note that will have a fraction or decimal number written on it.
- Decimal Values - Students will first fill out the K and the W on the KWL chart.
- Discounts and Sales Tax - Students will be able to independently calculate discounts and sales tax.
- Discovering Pi - Students are often just told what Pi is, cut many are never able to find why Pi is Pi.
- Displaying Data - Students will display data using bar graphs, histograms and line graphs.
- Exploring Angle Relationships - Learn to draw various angles and segments.
- Extending the Number System - Represent integers on the number line.
- Factors and Monomials - Determine whether one number is a factor of another and if certain expressions are monomials.
- Find Product/Quotient of Integers - Students will develop strategies for multiplying and dividing integers.
- Finding Surface Area and Volume of Rectangular Prisms and Cylinders - Finding Volume and Surface of Rectangular Prisms Finding Volume and Surface of a Cylinder.
- Fun with Rotations - se their math skills to move an object from a fixed point to another fixed point.
- Fractions, Decimals and Percents - In this lesson you be introduced to these new words: -numerator -denominator -improper fractions -mixed number fractions -equivalent.
- Fractions, Decimals, and Percents - Children will extend their understanding of the place value system to include decimals.
- Geometry and Planes - Students will be able to measure, classify, estimate, and draw angles.
- Geometry Manipulative - Use circles to construct regular polygons Use circles to identify rotational and reflectional symmetry.
- Graphing Relationships - The activities in this chapter teach students the basic techniques of assembling coordinate graphs.
- Having Fun with Decimals - Demonstrate concepts of converting decimals to fractions.
- Healthy Math - My goal for this lesson is for the students to be able to connect what they learn in math to everyday activities and how that connects to their health.
- Inequalities on a Number Line - The learner will graph inequalities on a number line.
- Integers: Quick, Fun, Easy to Learn - Students will identify and understand positive and negative numbers.
- Intro + Pythagoras - Develop the student's ability to visualize geometric relationships, esp. in 3 dimensions.
- Introduction-Multiplying Fractions - The learner will accurately multiple fractions with fractions and fractions with whole numbers.
- "It is hip to be a Square" - Relate geometry to algebra by using coordinate geometry to determine regularity, congruence, and similarity.
- Large Numbers: Place Value - How do we read large numbers?
- Lollipop Pull - Explore concepts of probability through data collection, experiments, and simulations.
- Matrix Multiplication - Identify matrix dimensions and determine whether the product is defined and if so, what the matrix product dimensions will be.
- Multi-Direction Trigonometry - We are learning to find the trigonometry in multi direction purposes.
- Organization Skills and Techniques To Use - Teacher will explain the importance of learning and maintaining organizational skills.
- Perimeter and Area of Squares - Students will find the perimeter and the area of rectangles and squares using proper formulas.
- Prime Factorization - TSW be able to write prime factorization using exponents and to describe exponents as a way of expressing repeated multiplication.
- Problem Solving Skills - Student will be able to identify a pattern that indicates what operation to use.
- Plotting on a Grid Part 2 - Students will continue their quest of knowledge of plotting through the introduction of the negative quadrants and coordinates.
- Proper and Improper Fractions - The learner will understand and compute with rational numbers.
- Powers and Exponents - Students will learn to translate products into exponents as well as exponents into products of the same factor.
- Pythagoras Theorem - Problem of the snitch and its case. This will lead to the discussion of Pythagoras theorem.
- Rates - Students will review ratios and equivalent ratios and then find unit rate using ratios.
- Rectangular prisms; S.A. and V - Calculating surface area and volume of rectangular prisms.
- Round to the Nearest Tenth - Students will be able to identify tenths and hundredths place values in decimal numbers.
- Scale Factor - The learner will understand and apply scale factor in all applicable situations.
- Scope and Importance of Retailing - To distinguish the meaning of retailing.
- Side Lengths of Triangles - The student will be able to identify triangles using the correct terminology based on the measurement of the side lengths.
- Simplifying Fractions at Fractionville - Develop students' broader understanding of the simplification process and fractions.
- Survey Says - We look at data management and making sense of data.
- Surface Area of Prisms - Identify the different faces of 3d figures.
- The Measurement Hunt - Students will develop/demonstrate an understanding of measurement by the inch and foot using a ruler and through estimating measurements by comparison.
- The Multiplication of Binomials - Students will be able to utilize the FOIL method when multiplying two binomials together.
- These Boots Are Made For Walking - Students will use calculators to calculate the time it takes to travel to the moon using different methods of transportation.
- Understanding Pi - This activity allows students to discover why pi works in solving problems dealing with finding circumference.
- Understanding the Use of Place Value - Students will demonstrate understanding of the base-ten place value system.
- Using Equations and Inequalities - Students will be able to solve verbal problems by translating them into equations and inequalities.
- Using Prime Factorizations - Exploring a method for finding the greatest common factor and least common multiple of two numbers using prime factorizations.
- Variables and Expressions Vocabulary - At the end of this lesson the students will be able to identify the key vocabulary words as well as write algebraic expressions.
- Views of Three-dimensional Figures - The student will become familiar with and use the terms views, isometric drawing, layers, and perspective to describe, draw and build a three dimensional figure.
- What you put in you will get out! - Generating input/output tables
- Writing Checks and Keeping a Checkbook - The students will learn how to write checks and balance a checkbook.
- Writing in Scientific Notation - To write very large numbers using scientific notation.
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