Lesson Plan : Understanding the Use of Place Value

Teacher Name:
 Lynne Branstrom
 Grade 6

 Understanding Place Value
 tens, hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, trillions, face value, place value
 Students will demonstrate understanding of the base-ten place value system
 1. Students will read and write numbers through trillions 2. Students will identify the place value of specific digits in a number 3. Studentw will write numbers in expanded notation.
 AW 5 p. AW 5 WB p. AW 6 p. AW 6 WB p. SFAW 6 p. MIOW 6 Sadlier: Progress in Math p. Spectrum (green) p. Spectrum (blue) p. AW 7 p.
 The position, or place, of a digit in a number written in standard form determines the actual value the digit represents. This table shows the place value for various positions: Place (underlined) Name of Position 1 000 Ones (units) position 1 000 Tens 1 000 Hundreds 1 000 Thousands 1 000 000 Ten thousands 1 000 000 Hundred Thousands 1 000 000 Millions 1 000 000 000 Ten Millions 1 000 000 000 Hundred millions 1 000 000 000 Billions The number 721040 has a 7 in the hundred thousands place, a 2 in the ten thousands place, a one in the thousands place, a 4 in the tens place, and a 0 in both the hundreds and ones place. Expanded Form The expanded form of a number is the sum of its various place values. Example: 9836 = 9000 + 800 + 30 + 6. Ordering Symbols are used to show how the size of one number compares to another. These symbols are < (less than), > (greater than), and = (equals.) For example, since 2 is smaller than 4 and 4 is larger than 2, we can write: 2 < 4, which says the same as 4 > 2 and of course, 4 = 4. To compare two whole numbers, first put them in standard form. The one with more digits is greater than the other. If they have the same number of digits, compare the most significant digits (the leftmost digit of each number). The one having the larger significant digit is greater than the other. If the most significant digits are the same, compare the next pair of digits from the left. Repeat this until the pair of digits is different. The number with the larger digit is greater than the other. Example: 402 has more digits than 42, so 402 > 42. Example: 402 and 412 have the same number of digits. We compare the leftmost digit of each number: 4 in each case. Moving to the right, we compare the next two numbers: 0 and 1. Since 0 < 1, 402 < 412.
Checking For Understanding:
 Dictation of Numbers
 Title - Place Value Bingo By - Trish Guthrie Primary Subject - Math Secondary Subjects - Grade Level - 2-5 Place Value Bingo You should play this game after you have already taught Place Value. Students will become more familiar with Place Value. Materials: Index cards, marker, piece of paper. Teacher's job- You will need to create the index cards. On the top of the card you will put "ones" then you will write a "0". Then the next card you will put "ones" and put a "1" on it. You will continue this through #9. You will then start a set of cards for the "tens" 0-9. and so forth up to a million or whatever has been taught. Students' job- The students will take out a piece of paper. They will take a marker and come up with a 7 digit number (if working up to millions) They write this number down on their paper. Ready to play- The teacher will call out a number- 9 in the hundreds place. If the student has a 9 in the hundreds place they get to circle the number. The teacher continues calling numbers- 3 in the tens place, and so on, until a student has all of them circled. They will then call back and say, I have a 2 in the ones place, a 9 in the hundreds and so forth. Then they have to read the whole number. If they got it, they win. I usually give a small reward and we start a new game, with a new number that they write down. My students really enjoy this game. I have the students write the number in marker so that there isn't the chance for them to change their number during the game. This is also a great game that you can pull out and play as a review later in the year.
 Quiz on Place Value
Teacher Reflections:

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