Lesson Plan : Analyze a $1 Bill
Teacher Name: | Bentley |
Grade: | Grade 7-8 |
Subject: | Math |
Topic: | Analyzing the $1 American bill |
Content: | Math/Social Studies/Science Eagle, ANNUIT COEPTIS, NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, Western Civilization, fig leaves, E PLURIBUS UNUM, First Continental Congress, Pyramid, linen, United States Treasury Seal, divinity, Roman Numeral, Presidential Seal, Declaration of Independence, |
Goals: | To help students develop an awareness of symbols on currency, namely the $1 bill. Students will be able to identify symbols and words on bill when asked. Studnets will be able to define and pronounce vocabulary words related to the bill. |
Objectives: | Students will look at $1 American bill and find different symbols and words and learn the meaning. |
Materials: | $1 bill for each student, notebook paper, pen or pencil for notetaking. Dictionary. Graph Paper. Vocabulary list |
Introduction: | Pass out $1 American Bill |
Development: | Tell student to spend 15 minutes looking at bill and writing down everything they see on the bill. Share findings with class members and graph |
Practice: | Teacher instructs students that the dollar will be divided into front and back and quadrants, 1- uppper left, 2 upper right, 3- lower left, 4 lower right Teacher guides students to look at certain symbols and words and explains meaning. |
Accommodations: | Assistance from teachers in looking up or pronouncing words. Use of computer to find meaning. Physical/verbal test instead of written |
Checking For Understanding: | Class discussion at end of unit to assess retention of information |
Closure: | Students will prepare a book about US Currency. |
Evaluation: | Completed reports and completed book |
Teacher Reflections: |
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