Lesson Plan : "It is hip to be a Square"

Teacher Name:
 Joshua Sutton
 Grade 7-8

 *Describe, classify and compare relationships among quadrilaterals, including the square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, and trapezoid. *Compare and contrast special quadrilaterals on the basis of their properties.
 Quadrilateral - a polygon with four sides. Square - a rectangle having all four sides of equal length. Rectangle - a parallelogram having four right angles. Rhombus - an oblique-angled equilateral parallelogram; any equilateral parallelogram except a square. Parallelogram - a quadrilateral having both pairs of opposite sides parallel to each other. Trapezoid - a quadrilateral plane figure having two parallel and two nonparallel sides. Right Angle - an angle of 90°. Parallel - two lines that are equidistant from another or others; lying in the same plane but never meeting no matter how far extended. Equilateral - having all the sides equal Length. Equiangular - having all the angles equal.
 Classify and understand relationships among quadrilaterals. Relate geometry to algebra by using coordinate geometry to determine regularity, congruence, and similarity. (SSS- MA.912.G.3.1) Use properties of congruent and similar quadrilaterals to solve problems involving lengths and areas and prove theorems involving quadrilaterals. (SSS - MA.912.G.3.2)
 *Students will learn the meaning of equilateral and equiangular. *Students will learn the different types of quadrilaterals. *Students will be able to state the qualities of each type of quadrilateral. *Students will be able to compare/contrast differing quadrilaterals.
 *Handouts *Overhead *Protractor
 *Start with a review of the previous day's materials, which would probably be about the qualities of triangles and the different types. *Tie that in with the new lesson.
 Teacher provides definitions for the students of each type of quadrilateral: basic quadrilateral, trapezoid, parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, and square. Once the students have an understanding of definintions/characteristics of each quadrilateral, the class then moves on to the practice portion of the lesson.
 Using overhead and handout, the teacher provides examples of different kinds of quadrilaterals for the students. The teacher uses guided discovery to help the students list the characteristics of each shape. The students then use the found characteristics to classify each quadrilateral into the appropriate category. Once the class has a grasp on the ideas of categorizing different quadrilaterals, the independent practice/homework will be assigned.
 Students with visual/auditory needs will be placed closer to the teacher to accommodate their needs. ESOL students will be provided with many visual/picture problems in help create a more visual picture that they can associate to the lesson. There will be multiple English-to-Spanish dictionaries available.
Checking For Understanding:
 The teacher will be available for questioning throughout the lesson. Assessment will be conducted upon the homework assignment. There will be a brief bell quiz the next day to determine if they understand the material. Their ease of understanding the material will determine when the formal examination will occur.
 Once the guided practice is complete, the independent assignment/homework will be assigned. Students will work on this assignment until 3-4 minutes before the bell rings. During this time the teacher will provide a brief verbal review of the lesson and will answer any remaining questions.
Teacher Reflections:

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