Math Lesson Plans
- Adding and Subtracting Decimals - The student will be able to add and subtract numbers with place values to the hundredths.
- Ordering Numbers - Students will work together to practice ordering groups of six and seven numbers. They will use their phone numbers and birth dates written on index cards.
- Roman Numerals - The student will be able to recognize and name roman numerals up to twenty.
- Rounding to the nearest five - Students will enjoy practicing rounding numbers as they try to be the first to cover all their numbers in this game of Bingo. The teacher can set the pace for this game. It can be set at a beginning level with a lot of discussion and helps or it can be played as a speed round where students are racing to find the right numbers.
- Estimating - The student will be able to estimate the cost of three new items and the length of time necessary to save the money for those items.
- A Reintroduction To Fractions - This activity will help with a re-introduction to the concept of fractions.
- Adding and Subtracting Fraction Based Word Problems - My objectives are to show fractions through hands on work with blocks and chocolate bars.
- Area and Perimeter and Formulas - The students will be able to give and use the formula for both area and perimeter, and distinguish whether to find area or perimeter in word problems.
- Adding & Subtracting Whole Numbers - Understanding various meanings of addition and subtraction of whole numbers and the relationship between the two operations.
- Coordinate Geometry - Student will be able to locate a position on a coordinate plane when given the coordinates (pointing, using pencil or manipulative).
- Contrasting Area and Perimeter - TLW determine the areas and perimeters of rectangles and multi-sided polygon models using appropriate formulas.
- Customary Measurement - Students will estimate the length of items to the nearest inch, foot, and yard.
- Count and Round Money - Count Money Make Change Play a game to foster mastery of concept.
- Counting the Sky - Using mathematical predictions to determine the number of stars in a specific picture.
- Division of Numbers - Students will enhance their knowledge of mathematical terms.
- Earnings, Spending, and Saving Money - The learner will count money with different coins up to totals of one dollar.
- Economics-Competition - Students will understand that economics impacts every aspect of our lives.
- Elapsed time/Calendars - Using a Calendar and/or a Schedule chart, students will be able to solve problems involving elapsed time.
- Equal Parts - Using fractions to name equal parts of regions using the Think-Pair-Share thinking structure.
- Equivalent Names - Students will be able to find equivalent names for the numbers.
- Establishing Baseline Math Skills - Determine student's ability in solving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems.
- Estimating Weight - I can estimate the weight of various objects in grams.
- Everyday Math - The first goal is to make students realize there is more than one method of finding equivalent fractions.
- Everyday Math - Decimal Addition and Subtraction - The subject matter is to help students understand the various ways of adding and subtracting decimals, including modeling with base-10 blocks and using algorithms.
- Extending Patterns In New Directions - TLW identify and extend number and geometric patterns to solve problems.
- Field Trip To Jelly Belly Factory - Students solve word problems using properties of addition and subtraction.
- Finding The Perimeter - Use a formula to find perimeters of various shapes.
- Four Digit Whole Number Subtraction - The student will subtract two 4 digit whole numbers with and without regrouping.
- Gathering and Using Data - The students will be able to gather data using a survey, organize and compile that data into both a tally chart and a frequency table, and use that information to make a bar graph and/or a circle graph.
- Geometric Patterns - The learner will be able to identify and extend growing patterns.
- Greatest Common Factor - Students will be able to identify the factors of a set of numbers.
- Graphing and Probability - Students will graph their data on a bar graph. Students will use the data to figure ratios and determine probability.
- Graphing Your Students' Favorite Music - TSW be able to demonstrate understanding of collecting, organizing and analyzing information.
- Hands On Equations - Use Variables in contextual situations. Solve equations with one variable represented by a letter or symbol.
- Hansel and Gretel Word Problems - Students should be able to solve word problems, and then convey the steps they took to solve the problems in writing.
- How Many Hearts? - Students will demonstrate estimation skills and test their guesses by dividing the candies between the group.
- Identifying Equivalent Fractions - The learner will compare and order mixed numbers from least to greatest and greatest to least.
- Identifying Money - I will now show the students examples of real and play money.
- Introducing Classroom Economy - Students will also determine necessary classroom jobs and attach daily or weekly salaries to those positions. Credits and debits will be introduced.
- Introduction to Adding Fractions - Students will be able to add fractional equations with like denominators without using pictures or fraction strips.
- Introduction to Decimals - They will demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between fractions and decimals by converting some basic fractions into decimal form.
- Introduction- Equivalent Fractions - Students will be able to identify fractions that are equivalent.
- Introduction to Place Value - Students will be able to differentiate between value and place value.
- Let's Go Shopping! - Students will be able to demonstrate retention of addition and subtraction facts through reviewing techniques.
- Let's Shop - Students will be able to add up the price of merchandise to find the total cost.
- Lines of Symmetry - Students will be able to determine whether or not a figure has half-turn symmetry.
- Long Division - Students will solve long division problems with whole numbers and/or decimals.
- M&M - Graphing Mean, Median, Mode - Students will be able to form questions based on the data they collect and the way they present their data.
- Magic Squares = Unknowns - The learner will recognize, determine and represent patterns and simple mathematical relationships.
- Making Multiplication Tables - Creating a useable multiplication chart.
- Math Happens - Meet Fractions- The lesson will introduce the concept of fractions to third grade.
- Math Happens- Probability - Students will be using m&m for a lesson as a means of an introduction to probability.
- Math Happens - Similarities - Geometry in regards to showing similarities and congruence.
- Math Shopping Spree - Students should work independently to while gathering data and performing math functions.
- Measurement - Time - Describe and compare everyday phenomena, using either direct or indirect measurement.
- Mix-Freeze-Remainders! - Exploring and Investigating Remainders.
- Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions - Students will be able to name an improper fraction and a mixed number from a picture.
- Mixed Num/ Impr Frac/+or- unlike - The student will be able to change mixed numbers into improper fraction, complete addition or subtraction with those improper fractions, and convert the answer back into a mixed number.
- Model 2-Digit by 1-Digit Division - Students will be shown how to divide objects into groups by modeling division with manipulatives.
- Multiplication and Division - Students will be able to multiply and divide facts through 10 using a variety of strategies learned.
- Multiplication Discovery - Students will discover multiplication facts using manipulatives and drawing models.
- Multiplication Grouping - The goal for this lesson is for students to understand how addition and multiplication go hand and hand.
- Multiplication in the Classroom - Children will be able to relate skip counting to multiply.
- Multiplication Through Practice - Explain that we will be working on multiplication and that multiplication is really just repeated addition.
- Multiplicity - Mastery skills thinking structure Rationale: best structure to aide in learning math facts and the class is used to this kind of learning structure.
- Multiplying 2-Digit Numbers - Each fact must be broken apart into simpler/friendlier numbers and facts.
- Multiplying Integers between 0 and 6- se their knowledge about multiplication to give examples of when multiplication is more practical than addition.
- Multiplying With Style - This lesson is intended for students who already understand the concept of multiplication and how it relates to addition.
- Multi-Step Problems - Students will be able to read and determine which mathematical process to use in solving a multi-step problem.
- Name that Polygon! - The students will be able to identify and describe Polygons using the Geoboard and manipulatives to a partner.
- Naming Line Segments - Generate and solve 2-step addition using pencil and paper Be able to draw and name line segments.
- Naming Spaces with Decimal Places! - Recognizing the indicated place value.
- Number of Line Segments and Vertices - Students will recognize the cone, sphere, cube, rectangular prism, and cylinder and tell the number of vertices, faces, and edges/line segments.
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