Lesson Plan : Identifying Equivalent Fractions

Teacher Name:
 Mrs. Swann
 Grade 3

 The introduction of fractions in everyday math.
 Math - Fractions - mixed numbers and their equivalent forms Key Vocabulary: fraction, numerator, denominator, equivalent fraction
 The learner will understand mixed numbers and their equivalent fraction form. The learner will explore, identify, and illustrate mixed number fractions and their fractional equivalent. The learner will compare and order mixed numbers from least to greatest and greatest to least.
 overhead/white board, overhead fraction parts, fraction parts, fraction squares handout, math textbook, journals, colored pencils
 Review several examples of equivalent fractions and simplest form: 3/5, 6/8, 6/12, and 2/8. Compare and order the results from the solutions from least to greatest and from greatest to least.
 Use overhead models to create a series of pictures that whole numbers and fractions labeling each with the number represented and have the students identify each. Inform students that a mixed number is a combination of both - draw a corresponding picture of the model. Have students compare and order the numbers in both ascending and descending order.
 Have students take turns being the "teacher" in table groups, explaining and illustrating fractions, whole numbers, and mixed numbers for a series: 2 and 3/4, 3 and 5/7, and 1 and 2/3.
 Students will be provided additional time to complete the task. and
Checking For Understanding:
 Have students use the fraction squares pieces to model problems independently. Then have them draw and color the fraction parts on the two or three squares provided (fraction handout). Lastly, students should write the mixed number for each problem.
 Ask several students to define: fraction, whole number, and mixed number and give an example of each.
 Students ability to complete independent work successfully provides an adequate evaluation of skill acquisition. Students will also complete a journal entry to explain how to write a fraction to describe the shaded part of a group.
Teacher Reflections:

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