Lesson Plan : Equal Parts

Teacher Name:
 Ms. Dehan
 Grade 3

 Fractions as Parts of Regions
 Using fractions to name equal parts of regions using the Think-Pair-Share thinking structure. Vocabulary - fraction, numerator, denominator
 -Work with partners to solve problems and participate in whole class discussions. TEKS: 2A - Construct concrete models of fractions; 2C - Use fractions to describe parts of objects or sets; 15A-D - Solve problems.
 - Be able to: understand number concepts; identify and write fractions to name equal parts of regions; engage in partner discussion and whole class sharings.
 crayons, paper, math textbook, red and blue cubes
 Engage students by having them make a square using one red cube and 3 blue cubes. Ask the students to think how many tiles are in your square? How many are red? Share the answer with the partner next to them to make sure it is the same. Call on one student to share their answer, where all students make sure it is ocrrect. Have students replace one blue tile with a red tile. Ask them to think about how many tiles are there in your square? How many are red? Share with your partner, then call on one student.
 Each studnet takes out a sheet of paper and crayons. They fold the paper into 4 equal parts, and color one part. Explain that you can use a fraction to tell how much you colored. Illustrate which part is the numerator and which is the denominator. Show how to write this fraction. Have students get another piece of paper and fold it 3 times in half. Ask them to think how many it made, and how many they would have to color for it to be 1/4 colored? Share with a partner and call one one person. Tell students to think about then explain to their table partner how the first and second papers were both colored into 1/4s but they were different numbers. Call on each table to hear answers.
 Put problems from textbook on overhead and have children write the answers and compare with their partner. When all are finished, call on each table group for answers to different problems, and see if the whole class agrees.
 If students are not understanding, we will pull out the cubes again and make different types of problems that use the cubes. Continue practicing until all students can individually do it themselves, share with their table partner, and answer correctly to the class.
Checking For Understanding:
 To assess for understanding, the students will complete an exercise sheet in class individually about Fractions as Parts of Regions.
 As a closing, the class could see how the number of boys and girls compare to each other in the class and put the numbers in fraction terms. They will then use colored cubes to illustrate the findings.
 In measuring hte progress of the students in the class, I could tell that the children were understanding by the way they were freely participating and getting into the lesson. It was easy to tell who was having difficulty because the kids were divided and working with a partner for much of the lesson. The kids had just scratched the surface on fractions before this lesson, but after the lesson I feel that the kids really grasped the concepts and were explaining it to one another and showing what answers they came up with for the independent work. They proved that they were comprehending the subject matter, and as the lesson continued on, the kids got more confident in answering and sharing their answers. By doing the Think-Pair-Share, I feel this was a great confidence booster because the kids were able to discuss their answers with a partner before giving it to the class; therefore, if someone was confused, the partner could help them out and explain how he/she got the answer.
Teacher Reflections:
 In reflecting about this lesson, I feel like it went fairly well. The children loved getting to use the colored cube manipulatives to demonstrate the concept of fractions, and it offered a concrete example of the tough concept. Also, the students enjoyed getting to work together and talk to one another during the lesson. I had to watch out for the students who got off topic and were too chatty or playing with the cubes. Next time, I will be sure to lay out the rules a little better and earlier so they kids will know not to play around. I believe that the children learned a lot from this lesson and clearly understood and demonstrated the objectives. There was a good variety of independent work, small group work, and class work. I would definitely do the Think-Pair-Share technique in the future because the children enjoyed working together, helping one another, and getting confidence through having to compare answers. Also, each person got a chance to speak by having them share answers since it is sometimes difficult to call on everyone and keep track of who answers how many questions. I too enjoyed giving this lesson because I was able to see the children's understanding and proud faces that they were learning.

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