Lesson Plan : Multiplication Through Practice

Teacher Name:
 Ms. Natalie
 Grade 3

 Multiplication Practice
 Reinforcing multiplication facts. Key vocabulary: multiplication and groups of.
 I can multiply through 12 x 12
 TEKS: 3.4 Number, operation and quantitative reasoning.
 Egg cartons (1 for each student), beads, buttons or some other small objects that can be placed in the egg carton, one whiteboard, dry erase marker and eraser for each child, graph paper photocopied on stock paper, markers or crayons (red, light green, purple, yellow, dark green, black, brown, blue and orange), scissors, a Ziploc bag for each child, and multiplication flash cards.
 Explain that we will be working on multiplication and that multiplication is really just repeated addition. Ask the students if they know their multiplication facts and which tables they can recite without pausing or using their fingers to count.
 Write some multiplication facts on the board. Explain that the �x� in a multiplication problem also means �groups of�. So 4 x 5 is 4 groups of 5. The teacher will use their manipulatives and demonstrate making 4 groups of 5 for the class. Then continue until you have completed all of the problems that are on the board.
 Egg carton math (Source: Wendy P of Math Cats. http://www.mathcats.com/grownupcats/ideabankmultiplication.html) Each child will use their own egg carton and have access to the container holding the beads, buttons or some other small manipulative. The teacher will say a problem, such as 3 x 4, and write it on the board. Using the egg carton, then, they would only use 3 compartments, and they would put 4 items in each of those 3 compartments, counting as they go. When they have an answer they will write it on their dry erase board and put it face down. When every student has come up with an answer the teacher will ask all the students to hold up their whiteboard. If someone has the wrong answer, the class will work together to come up with a correct answer. When you are finished, have the students clean up and prepare to move on to the next activity. (Source: Wendy P of Math Cats. http://www.mathcats.com/grownupcats/ideabankmultiplication.html) Student does: Make their own Cuisenaire rods. Make photocopies of centimeter grid paper onto stiff card stock. Then have the students color portions of the grid paper with crayons or markers, using the 10 colors needed to match the rods and then cut them out with scissors. So, for instance, red rods are the length of two units (the white rods). So if they needed 10 red rods, they would need to color 20 squares red, and then cut them out in clumps of two. They would need 30 light-green squares to make 10 light- green "three" rods. And so on. Teacher does: Make a multiplication table for each child, also using centimeter graph paper. Have the numbers 1 - 12 running down the left side and running across the top, with a multiplication sign in the top left corner. Have the students fill in the answers on their multiplication tables. They may work together in small groups to fill in the answers. Once the students have completed their multiplication tables and finished cutting out their Cuisenaire rods ask your students to show 3 x 4. The teacher should model along with the students the first couple of times until they get the hang of it. They will lay the appropriate Cuisenaire rods (3 purple rods) down on the multiplication grid, starting at the top left corner of the answer area. Then they will peek under the bottom right corner of their rectangle. They should find a 12 there. Repeat the process, but this time with 4 x 3. They will lay the appropriate Cuisenaire rods (4 light-green rods) down on the multiplication grid in the same way and peek under the bottom right corner. Again they should find a 12. This will help them identify patterns in related multiplication and division sentences (fact families). After you have modeled some of the problems, call out multiplication problems for the whole class to practice. When they have an answer they will write it on their dry erase board and put it face down. When every student has come up with an answer the teacher will ask all the students to hold up their whiteboard. If someone has the wrong answer, the class will work together to come up with a correct answer.
 If students have trouble with the flashcard game they will be allowed to use their manipulatives for round three.
Checking For Understanding:
 Assessment: Students holding up their answers on the whiteboards. Walking among the groups and observing while they are playing the flashcard game. Using the total number of cards won during the game (if they got them all correct they should have 15 cards if they started out with 5 at the beginning of each round).
 Review the strategies we learned to help us multiply. Review the fact that multiplication is repeated addition.
 If students are able to answer the questions during the guided practice, they are ready to move on to the independent practice portion of the lesson. If they are struggling, provide a bit more support and guidance. Try focusing on the egg carton manipulatives as that helps them see the repeated addition more clearly. Move among the tables and observe which children are using the manipulatives to estimate properly and which ones need a bit more support and help in using the tools provided.
Teacher Reflections:
 The children loved making their own Cuisenaire rods and being able to take them home. I think in the future I would break this up into a two part lesson and use the egg carton math and flash card game one day and have them make Cuisenaire rods another day and extend that activity with missing number multiplication grids.

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