Lesson Plan : Multiplication and Division

Teacher Name:
 Sonia Hernandez
 Grade 4

 Multiplication and Division
 Multiplication and division facts through 10.
 Students will be able to multiply and divide facts through 10 using a variety of strategies learned.
 4th grade math book, graph paper, pencil, scissors, Mad Minute (addition pages), Multiplication test (ranging from 2's, 3's and 4's)
 We will review yesterday's homework. They had to divide and multiply facts up to 5. They were each given a mutiplication chart to aid them in completing the homework. We will do numbers 21, 22, 23 and 24 together in class. (These problems were not assigned as homework.) To do these problems, I will read them to the class as they are word problems. We work work them out together in class.
 Students will work in partners. I will explain to them that they will be making arrays. I will demonstrate on the Docu-Cam a simple multiplication array. I will make one array to show 3x2=6 and another array to show 2x3=6. We will review what the commutative property of multiplication is. They will take out their math journals to write dow the definition.They will then write down one multiplication problem to show what this property states. I will hand each pair 2 bags of small, different colored blocks. They will also take out their white boards and markers. They will work in groups to make an array of 7 by 3 and one for 7 by 2. We will write two different multiplication problems out of the arrays that they made. I will explain that both arrays have one number in common, which is 7. Because of this, we can put these tow arrays together to find out a bigger multiplication problem. The seven is the number that they have in common, we still have the 2 and the 3. 3+2 is equal to 5. Now we have a 5 and a 7. Now they will count how many counters they have in all, which is 35.We can now make a different multiplication sentence. We have 7x5 which is equal to 35. We can count again all the blocks together to make sure that we did the problem right. We will do this again with the example of 8x5 and 8x3 to make one bigger multiplication problem. We will also review, once again, how to find out the answer to a multiplication problem using a multiplication table. I will ask students to take out their multiplication table that was given to them yesterday. We will use the table to find out how much 7x5 is. They need to place their finger on the row with 7. Then they need to find the column wht the number 5. They will place one finger on each number and begin to move them. They will move their fingers as I move mine fingers. The answer is where the two fingers meet. I will ask for the answer.We will also review how to find the answer to a division problem using a multiplication table. We will review that in order to find the answer in an division problem, they need to start with the divisor, which in the example given 70/10 is 10. I will place my finger on the row with the 10. I will come across until I come to 70. This is not my answer, now I have to come up until I hit the first column of numbers. This will give me the answer, which is 7.
 We will do numbers 2-7 together on page 118 in the math book. I will pass out paper to each student. We will do each number together and answer any questions the students may have on any problem.
 I will walk around as the class is working on independent practice and offer further help to any students that may need it.
Checking For Understanding:
 We will come back as a class to check for understand on problems that the students have done on their own. If more guided practice is needed, we will do more problems together as a class. I may need to pull students into a small group for futher instruction.
 I will assign homework, they will continue with the page that we did together. The class will have problems 15-26 for homework.(depending on how far we got or if the class needs more guided practice. They will have to do up to number 26 for homework.) They will write doewn their homework on the homework calendar.
 I will give them a mutiplication test depending on where each student is. They have five minutes to complete the test, most of the class is on 3's or 4's multiplications.
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