Lesson Plan : Everyday Math - Decimal Addition and Subtraction

Teacher Name:
 Jessica Zimmerman
 Grade 4

 4.4-Decimal Addition and Subtraction
 The subject matter is to help students understand the various ways of adding and subtracting decimals, including modeling with base-10 blocks and using algorithms. Students will write decimals and fractions to represent the shaded portions of 10 by 10 grids. They shade 10 by 10 grids to represent decimals.
 My hope for the outcome is that the students will understand the importance of lining up the decimal when they add and subtract. I want them to make a connection that adding and subtracting numbers with decimals is very similar to adding and subtracting whole numbers. I want the students to translate what they learned to other peers who may not be grasping the knowledge, especially to my special education learners.
 I will extend methods for whole-number addition and subtraction to decimals by demonstrating prior knowledge of aligning the numbers by their place value. I will use base-10 blocks to recall how a fraction is connected to a decimal number and practice this with shaded parts on a 10 by 10 grid.
 Everyday Math Journal Vol. I, Base-10 blocks, writing materials, gel boards and pens, 4.4 study link worksheets, SMART board, teacher microphone.
 I will start with a quick explanation of the objective of today's lesson. Students will reflect with a partner and explain how they will master the objective by the end of the lesson. I will then have students pass out materials i.e. gel boards, etc. With the 4.4 SMART board lesson up Students and I will practice counting decimal amounts i.e. using the base-10 blocks to count by tenths. I will then put up a multi-digit addition problem and have students solve the problem on their gel boards. When completed I will ask them to share their strategies to solving the problem to another student. As a class we will all discuss the strategies i.e. carrying the "1" in addition or borrowing in subtraction.
 Students will open their Math Journals to page 88. Modeling with Base-10 blocks students will create the problem: 0.76+0.2. We will carefully solve the problem together until the outcome of the answer, 0.2. We will then discuss why the problem in #1 is wrong. Students will write it down and then share their answer with a neighbor. We will do another similar problem, students will partner and show how to solve one, and then students will try one on their own and then "prove" their answer by modeling the problem with base-10 blocks. We will check their answers. This is where I will stop and check for understanding using thumbs up, thumbs down. I will allow students who are mastering it to continue the last three, and I will work one on one with students who are struggling.
 An extra part in everyday math has the students practice representing decimals on grids. This is on Page 89 in their math journals volume 1. Students write fractions and decimals for the shaded portions of 10 by 10 grids. They also shade such grids to represent decimals. I will walk and assist as we talk through the quick review together.
 Byron is in special education for math but he is in my class for a good part of the math lesson. To keep him motivated I closely monitor and have a student tutor assist him when needed. Byron can be easily frustrated so I modify his work i.e. while some students do three, he only does one and I or the "tutor" checks his work. Corbin and Justin are also special ed. but they leave my room shortly after the lesson begins. I also closely monitor them and modify work when needed. Corbin is hearing impaired so I am sure to wear my teacher mic. My visual learners are Gabriel, Deonte, Ceydrus, and Ruebyn so I make sure they can see the SMART board. Deonte is also an auditory learner, so sometimes he may not look at me when I'm talking so occasionally I have to remind him to keep his eyes up front. My moderate risk student are Zynneah, Sanchez, Gabriel, Ronald, Byron (SpEd), Justin (SpEd), and Corbin (SpEd). Each of these students have a student tutor who assists them. Also, I closely monitor their progress during class and of course math lessons.
Checking For Understanding:
 The independent practice worksheet will be the most effective tell-tale sign of whether they are understanding it or not. However, I also try to periodically check for understanding with thumbs up or thumbs down and sharing with a partner. I also check by walking and assisting with the students and asking them relevant questions.
 Recap the objectives and discuss with a partner one new thing they learned.
Teacher Reflections:

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