Lesson Plan : Multiplying With Style

Teacher Name:
 Caroline Coleman
 Grade 4

 Helping students learn how to retain their multiplication facts by using their most effective learning style.
  This lesson is intended for students who already understand the concept of multiplication and how it relates to addition. They should also be able to recognize words pertaining to this skill such as, product and factors.
 The goal for this lesson will be to help students understand the importance of knowing their basic multiplication tables, and to be able to help them find an effective method that adapts to their learning style.
 Students will be able to multiply efficiently and accurately with single-digit whole numbers. Students will be able to develop a voice about the knowledge that they have attained and undergo peer review of such. The students will be able to recognize the sounds of language such as in alliteration, rhyme, or repetition. The students will be able to create mental images and apply them through the media of drawing.
 paper, crayons, pencils, sand paper, Play Dough.
 The teacher will be begin the lesson by telling about an instance in the past when he or she has needed to know how to multiply in a real world situation. Students will then spend a couple of minutes on their own, brainstorming about situations in which knowing how to multiply might help them. The class will then discuss answers together as one group.
 The teacher will use the results of the class discussion to prove the importance of knowing how to multiply effectively. The teacher will then explain that all students learn in different ways and many of those ways are through one or more of the five senses. (The teacher should already have an idea of how each of the students learns best). The teacher will then demonstrate ways of learning the multiplication tables through each of the senses.
 Next, students will be placed in groups,based on their particular learning style. The visual group will be given paper and crayons to draw pictures that depict each fact. For example: They might draw a picture of three mice with three tails each to represent 3X3=9. The auditory group will create a set of lyrics, using their assigned facts, to replace the words of a familiar song. The auditory group will explore different methods to associate touch with learning their tables. For example: They might learn that writing on the table, using their finger as an imaginary pencil, could help them put a picture of the fact in their minds. This group will also be provided with other manipulatives such as play dough, sand paper, etc.
 Differentiated instruction will be provided by giving each student the opportunity to retain their multiplication facts based on the method of learning that works best for them.
Checking For Understanding:
 The visual students will share their results by creating book of their pictures. The auditory group will share their lyrics by teaching the class the song that they have written. The sensory group will share their results by inviting the other gruops to their table to explore the different ways of "feeling through the tables".
 The teacher will remind students that knowing how to multiply is necessary to be able to solve real world problems in math. The teacher will explain that practice is imperative to learning how to multiply effectively and that this task can be much easier if students practice by using the learning style that works best for them.
 The teacher assess the student�s knowledge in this area by giving frequent written tests over the tables. Flash cards and computer games pertaining to multiplication can also be an effective means of practice and assessment.
Teacher Reflections:

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