Lesson Plan : Mix-Freeze-Remainders!

Teacher Name:
 Miss Hobart
 Grade 3

 Exploring and Investigating Remainders
 new: Remainders old: Dividend, Divisor, Quotient
 The students will be able to separate themselves into different numbers of groups and count how many equal groups they have formed. They will also be able to count how many students there are that can't form another equal group, and name them the remainders. The students will discuss how the teacher should fill in the table on the white board which includes the "Total Number of Students (Dividend)", "Number in Each Group (Divisor)", "Number of Groups (Quotient)", and "What's Left Over? (Remainder)". The students will use what they learned from the activity to divide 21 counters, in small groups, into different groups; then they will discuss as a class how many equal groups they made and how many remainders they have. The students will fill in the same table, but this time they will use counters to divide numbers, instead of people. The students will use pictures to answer division problems that both include and exclude remainders.
 The students will walk around the room quietly and freeze when I turn out the lights and say "Freeze!" The students will quickly and quietly, without excluding people or trying to find their friends across the room, huddle with the number of students I tell them to form a group. The students will sit quietly once they have the correct number of students in their group to let me know that they are finished and ready. The students will number off how many equal groups they have formed and also discuss how many students are in the "Lost and Found" and count how many "remainder" students we have left in "Lost in Found". The students will be able to fill in the table on the white board, based on the division problems they are given. The students will demonstrate through this activity, and discuss during this activity, that some division problems can be divided evenly, and some division problems will include remainders.
 White board, White board marker, Table on the white board which includes the labels of: "Total Number of Students (Dividend)", "Number in Each Group (Divisor)", "Number of Groups (Quotient)", and "What's Left Over? (Remainder)".
 Tell the students that they will get to play a game called "Mix-Freeze-Remainders." Discuss the rules of the game with the class, which goes as follows: The class will quietly be allowed to walk around the class until the teacher turns off the light and says "Freeze!" Then the students will freeze, and the teacher will give the students a division problem that includes the number of students in the class (18) as the dividend. So, if the teacher asks 18 divided by 6, the students will find 6 people to form a group and then sit down quietly to show that they are finished and ready to continue. Then we will count as a class how many groups of 6 we were able to form (3). If there are ever any students who are left over, and do not have enough people to form a group, they will go to what is called the "Lost and Found". Remind the students that this is not the time to try to group with your friends, that you may not exclude somebody unless you already have the correct number in your group, it is to be done quietly, and they are to sit down quietly when they are finished and ready.
 The students will model how they are going to walk around the room quietly. Then the teacher will turn off the lights and tell the class 18 divided by 6. The class will form groups of 6 and sit when they are finished. Then the teacher will ask each group to number off until we find out how many groups can be evenly made from the division problem 18 divided by 6. We will fill out the table on the white board as a class and write the correct corresponding numbers for "Total Number of Students (Dividend)", "Number in Each Group (Divisor)", "Number of Groups (Quotient)", and "What's Left Over? (Remainder)".
 The students will be given one more division problem that divides into groups evenly without remainders, and we will once again fill in the table on the board. Then the students will do the activity and the teacher will give a division problem that doesn't divide evenly, such as 18 divided by 7. Once the students form groups of seven and sit down, the remaining students without a group will go to "Lost and Found". We will once again number off the number of groups evenly, and the students will tell me how to fill in the table on the board with that information. Then we will talk about why the left over people can not form another group. I will explain to the students that in mathematics the "Lost and Found" is known as the "Remainder", and that it is the remaining number that can not form another equal group. We will repeat this activity with many division sentences that do not divide evenly, and continue to fill out the chart as a class and discuss remainders.
 When the teacher gives a division problem, such as 18 divided by 6, the teacher could hold up a sign that shows six children in a group. The teacher can do this for all of the division problems. The teacher can not only fill in the chart on the board, but then also draw what the problem looks like to the side of it. Such as drawing 18 heads and circling groups of 6, and then counting the number of groups that were circled. Have children discuss remainder in their own words and list the definitions The students who need to use counters during practice and the worksheet may use them at their desks to further include concrete materials.
Checking For Understanding:
 The teacher will constantly assess the student's understanding during the counter exercise by watching the groups and listening to their responses when they discuss which numbers should fill in the chart. Have the class do the problems on page 347, which include pictures, and discuss how and why they got the answers they got. Have the rest of the class give thumbs up if they agree or thumbs down if they disagree. If there are disagreements let the students tell why, and then as a class, figure out the correct solution. The students will do worksheet DR 9-10, which includes questions that assess students� knowledge on division and remainders. It also includes illustrations to model the new concept.
 Let the students play "Mix-Freeze-Remainder" a few more times. This time let the students predict if the problem will have a remainder or not before they form the groups. Then let the students explain the results in mathematical terms.
 It was a very successful way to introduce the new concept of remainders. It built a solid foundation, and it really helped kinesthetic learners to move around and form groups. It really helped visual learners to write the information on the board in a table and also to see the "Lost and Found" as remainders. The oral learners were also stimulated through listening to the division problem, and counting how many equal groups were created, as well as how many remainders were in the Lost and Found.
Teacher Reflections:

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