Kindergarten to Grade 2 Math Lesson Plans
- Adding and Subtracting Decimals - The student will be able to add and subtract numbers with place values to the hundredths.
- Ordering Numbers - Students will work together to practice ordering groups of six and seven numbers. They will use their phone numbers and birth dates written on index cards.
- Roman Numerals - The student will be able to recognize and name roman numerals up to twenty.
- Rounding to the nearest five - Students will enjoy practicing rounding numbers as they try to be the first to cover all their numbers in this game of Bingo. The teacher can set the pace for this game. It can be set at a beginning level with a lot of discussion and helps or it can be played as a speed round where students are racing to find the right numbers.
- Estimating - The student will be able to estimate the cost of three new items and the length of time necessary to save the money for those items.
- A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned - Students will develop the understanding of how money is an intricate part of every day life.
- Add and Subtract with Fribbit - Using an Internet based resource to cement mental addition skills using mostly lower order numbers.
- Addition- The Basics - The students will learn basic number addition.
- Addition and Subtraction Facts - Students will complete addition facts 0-6 in 2 minutes at an accuracy level of 95% by the end of the week.
- Addition Facts Numbers 2 through 5 - Students will be able to successfully show and write all the ways to make 5 through 9.
- Animal Math Crackers - For all students to be able to accomplish three line addition.
- Apple Graph - To graph the results of apple-tasting after we have read a counting story about apples.
- Around the World - Sums of 5 - To help Special Education Students in Kindergarten through Third grade learn to add 5 to numbers 0-10.
- Attribute Blocks - Familiarizing the students with the different shapes and sizes found in the shapes provided.
- Basic Shape to Recognize - Can the student recognize and name the following shapes: Circle, square, and triangle.
- Building Patterns - The learner will create and extend patterns using actions, words, and objects.
- Classification by 3 Attributes - The student will sort objects by classifying according to shape, size and color.
- Coin Toss Game - Children will know the coins and their worth, they will also be able to toss a bean bag into a bucket.
- Cooperative Learning With Broken Squares - Although oral language is a huge part of communicating in our society, children also need to learn how to communicate and work together in a non-verbal way.
- Count your way through the Candy - Students will use different colors of the same candy to strengthen the skills of adding and subtracting.
- Counting My Body Parts - The students should be able to add different parts of the body to come up with the total.
- Counting To Ten - Lesson will focus on number recognition and counting from one to ten.
- Data and Graphing - Make and read a bar graph compare the data on a bar graph to a tally chart.
- Dog or Cat? - The students will be able to: complete a simple bar graph determine the likelihood of a certain outcome give examples of things that are possible/impossible.
- Domino Addition - The learner will develop fluency in addition with facts equaling up to twelve.
- Equation Making - The students will be able to write addition equations that add up to the number 20. The students will be able to explain their equations clearly to others.
- Estimating the Weight of Objects - I can estimate the weight of various objects in grams.
- Estimation With Measurements - Students will estimate and measure the path that the Inch-Worm traveled using non-standards units of measurements first.
- Exploring Zero - The learner will be able to understand the meaning of zero.
- Fast Counting - To introduce skip counting.
- Foundation Of Math - Students will be able to complete addition and subtraction problems at an accuracy level of 95% on timed tests.
- Fractional Parts - Students will gain a better understanding of fractions and be able to express them with numbers.
- Exploring Money - I wanted students to be able to look at the money by themselves, but also be able to talk to others about it, so think-pair-share was the perfect structure for this lesson.
- Exploring Use and Function of Coins - I want the students to investigate the coins on their own, then be able to discuss with a partner what they observed, then share the observations with the class, so students can hear about observations they might have missed.
- Folding Shapes: Are the Sides Symmetrical? - Identify the letters of the alphabet as symmetrical or nonsymmetrical and put the letters in their appropriate boxes that are marked symmetrical and nonsymmetrical.
- Geometry 2D shapes - Students at carpet tell them we are going to sort and classify shapes according to their various attributes.
- Geometry introduction to 3D shapes - Students will sort and classify 3D objects as a group and then independently with their worksheets.
- Going Crackers - In this lesson the students will sort and classify by shapes four kinds of crackers.
- Good Things Come Before Five - Students will be able to count zero to five by recognizing the conceptive pattern of the numerical mathematics system both by group effort and individual activity.
- Grouping Sets - The Learner will master grouping equal sets of two and three four tries out of five.
- Guess My Rule - TSW describe attributes of a certain set of shapes.
- How Long is Five Minutes? - This lesson on telling time will expose children to analog and digital clocks and how they work.
- How Many Patterns Can We Make? - The learner will model simple patterns and sort objects.
- How to brush your teeth (sequencing) - The students will be able arrange the steps on how to brush their teeth in sequential order.
- How Many Ways? - TLW demonstrate an understanding of representations of numbers by completing a circle map with a variety of ways to represent a particular number.
- Increasing Speed with Addition and Subtraction - Know your addition and subtraction tables.
- Introduction to Canadian Coins - Children will be introduced to pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, loonies and toonies.
- It's Time to Learn - The learner will be able to tell the correct time on a clock by using appropriate vocabulary when necessary.
- Learning Numbers : Base Ten - Children will be able to enunciate numbers 1-10 in numerical order.
- Making Change Up To Five Dollar Bills - To set up and solve subtraction sentences making change from $1 or $5, then show that 'change' amount in actual coins and bills.
- Making Rulers - The learner will demonstrate application of measurement by using a ruler to measure and record the length of objects in inches.
- Measuring Capacity - My goal is to increase the participation of the whole class using Numbered Heads Together instead of only the same handful of students.
- Measuring Length - The student will be able to demonstrate with snap cubes how to place objects in order by their lengths.
- Measuring using Centimeters and In - To demonstrate understanding and ability when measuring given items by using centimeters and inches with accuracy and comprehension.
- Meeting Up With Time - At the end of the lesson, the student(s) should: understand the definition of time; have an appreciation for time; and understand how a clock works
- Missing Cookie - The students will be able to count and compare quantities.
- Mitten Math - Students will be able to form patterns with shapes. Students will be able to draw pictures of patterns.
- Money Identification - Visually identify money, label each denomination with proper values and addition of various money.
- Money Madness - The students will be able to find the amounts of simple combinations of the coins together.
- Money Makes Cents - Learning to identify coins by name and value.
- More or Less than a Minute - Students will be able to identify and demonstrate activities that take more than a minute and less than minute.
- M and M's Math - Sorting M and M's by color and counting how many they have. Graphing by coloring amount of M and M's Telling me what color they have the least of and the color they have the most of.
- Multiplication with 2s and 3s - Students will be able to identify situations in which multiplication can be used to join sets.
- My Counting Caterpillar - This lesson is part of a daily activity immediately following calendar activities.
- Number Recognition - The lesson will focus on counting from one to ten, and the students ability to correspond number recognition, counting and object correspondence when counting pumpkins.
- Odd Geometric Shapes - Students will recognize these shapes in nontraditionally shaped objects.
- One Hundred Hungry Ants - Students will be able to find different ways to represent one hundred.
Next 50 Kindergarten to Grade 2 Math Lesson Plans