Lesson Plan : Mitten Math

Teacher Name:
 T. Walker

 Pre-number concepts of classification, seriation, and patterning are used in this lesson to reinforce shapes and patterns to children. Students use felt shapes to create patterns on felt mittens.
 Students will be able to identify and define patterns. Students will be able to form patterns with shapes. Students will be able to draw pictures of patterns. Students will be able to construct patterns on mittens. Students will be able to complete a Mitten Math worksheet.
 felt mitten cut-outs in red, green, gold, white, and light green felt cut-out shapes in red, green, gold, white, and light green (circles, squares, triangles) cut-out magnetic shapes in red, green, gold, white, and light green (circles, squares, triangles) yarn tacky glue plastic bags pencils Mitten Math Worksheet
 Will introduce the lesson by wearing a winter hat, scarf, and mittens. Ask students if they can see any patterns on these items; point out some of the patterns. On the board, show students examples of patterns using large magnetic cut-out shapes. Ask for two volunteers to make different patterns with the magnetic shapes on the board. Do students see any patterns on their clothes? Remind children that patterns are seen everyday and everywhere. Inform students that today they will be looking at patterns and making their own patterns. Everyone in the class will be getting materials to make their own mittens that will have patterns! Many different patterns can be created.
 (Students are grouped at tables.) Assign each student a number, 1� 4. Each student has a job: Obtain a plastic bag full of felt shapes for each person at the table. Obtain a set of mittens for each person at the table. Obtain glue for each person at the table. Obtain a Mitten Math worksheet for each person at the table.
 Students open their plastic bags and lay out the contents. Ask each student to make a pattern that you describe. (For example: pattern of a circle, square, circle, square, circle, square, circle, etc.) Have one student place this pattern on the board using the magnetic cut-outs. Students should draw this pattern on their Mitten Math worksheet in the appropriate area. Then have each group come up with their own pattern; they should lay it out on their table. One person from each group can make this pattern on the board. Have the class check as a group to see if the patterns of the other groups placed on the board are correct. These patterns should be drawn on the Mitten Math worksheets in the appropriate area.
Checking For Understanding:
 Observe student interaction/cooperation in groups. Were students able to form patterns in groups and individually? Were students able to explain the patterns they created? Review the Mitten Math worksheets to see if students correctly completed the items
 Rotate around the classroom and have each student (or one student from the table, as time permits) share the patterned mittens. Each student or group should also be able to explain the pattern. Review the definition of pattern. Remind students that patterns are everywhere and to look for them as the holiday season comes closer!
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