- Geometry Worksheets
- 3-D Drawing and Geometry- In this geometry unit you will see some different types of 3-D drawings, and learn how to do these drawings yourself. You will also explore many interesting careers that use these techniques, from architecture to movies.
- Area of a Triangle - Students will learn and apply the use the formula to find the area of a triangle.
- Buckyballs- Students wondering why we study about polyhedral can find one reason by looking through the information in the links to Buckyballs.
- Classifying and Constructing Corners - Students explore, classify, and define the various types of angles (acute, right, obtuse, and straight) that occur in the world around them. This lesson plan is the second lesson in a series on geometry.
- Creating Tessellations - Explore the history of tessellations; then use art and geometry to create an original tessellation.
- Crystals: Crystallography & Systems- Students studying polyhedral enjoy seeing the structures as they occur in the real world. Crystalline structures can be categorized into seven crystal systems.
- Designs with Circles- In the Islamic culture the circle is a unit of measure. The circle is the basis for the organization of space. It is a starting point in architecture, poetry, music and even calligraphy.
- But That's Not FAIR! - Students solve problems using fractions through hands-on activities and appropriate literature.
- Coordinate Geometry - Student will be able to locate a position on a coordinate plane when given the coordinates (pointing, using pencil or manipulative).
- EggMath- The Shape of an Egg, which includes discussions of surfaces of revolution and methods for drawing ovals in the plane.
- Euclid's Geometry: History and Practice- This series of interdisciplinary lessons on Euclid's Elements was researched and written by Alex Pearson, a Classicist at The Episcopal Academy in Merion, Pennsylvania.
- Explain the Change- The lesson will be introduced by reviewing slope as a rate of change as previously discussed in class.
- Exploring Area/Perimeter Through Coordinate Geometry - Students learn about area and perimeter through coordinate geometry. The use of children's literature, hands-on manipulatives, and the Internet will be incorporated.
- Ferris Wheel- Physical devices can be modeled using dynamic geometry. A vital tool for moving objects around in the model are the isometries, or distance-preserving transformations. This model of a Ferris wheel provides a good example.
- Finding The Perimeter - TLWD application of Geometry by using a formula to find perimeter.
- Floor Circles- Students will display a numeral as the area of a rectangle. Students will make as many rectangular Arrangements as possible for each numeral given.
- Geo Jammin' By DeSign - Teacher and students are a dynamic duo who search a geometry Website to identify geometric vocabulary words, record them on a Quilt Word Wall, and dance them out together. Words are displayed to take on characteristics of different design patterns.
- Geo Jammin' By DeSign 2 - A sequence of drawings performed by the teacher, leads students to make associations with the object being drawn and geometry content learned in prior lessons. Through questioning students unlock Quadrant 1 of a coordinate plane and new vocabulary words.
- Geo Jammin' By DeSign 3 - Knowledge of geometry is taken to the woods as students walk the school grounds in search of symmetry in nature. Their finds are brought back to the classroom, preserved by pressing, and then used as the focus of a student generated narrative.
- Geo Jammin' By DeSign 4 - Geo dot paper is used as a grid for coordinate geometry, making a familiar arena for performing a most unusual task. Letters are assigned to each dot. The challenge is to decode each word using given coordinates and then to illustrate each with tangrams.
- Geometric Factoring
- Geometry and Planes - Students will be able to describe figures by using the terms of geometry.
- Geometry 2D shapes - Ask students if I want to classify shapes by their number of corners which shapes would belong where.
- Geometry Geopardy - A fun way to practice and review geometry material.
- Geometry introduction to 3D shapes - Students will recognize the difference between 2D and 3D shapes.
- Geometry Library - Students write and illustrate books to make a class library of math term books. This is an excellent review for the FCAT math test.
- Geometry Manipulative - Use circles to construct regular polygons Use circles to identify rotational and reflectional symmetry.
- Geometry in African Art - Analyze art work in terms of geometric shapes and forms.
- Geometry in Nature - The students will explore how the circumference, diameter, and the relationship of Pi of a circle are related. The students will also determine the age of a tree by counting the summer growth rings.
- Geometry Scavenger Hunt - Students find everyday objects that represent geometric figures. The students must then prove the object is in fact the shape. Students also find the perimeter, area, surface area, volume, circumference of selected objects.
- Geometry Transformations - Students will understand the concepts of reflection and translation as transformations of points, lines and objects.
- Geometry: Tessellations - Students apply knowledge of reflections, rotations, and translations in creating a tessellation.
- Geometry Worksheets
- Internet Field Trip on Fractions and Geometry - This lesson is on fractions/geometry as it relates to parts and wholes.
- Introduction to Geometry for Primary Students- These lessons are designed to guide young children through an introduction to geometry. Children will learn to recognize shapes and to create patterns, and will explore spatial relations and symmetry.
- It is hip to be a Square - Describe, classify and compare relationships among quadrilaterals, including the square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, and trapezoid.
- Latitude and Longitude: Geography and Geometry! - This lesson integrates areas of geometry and geography. The students will learn to pinpoint locations on maps and charts using latitude and longitude coordinates.
- Magic Squares- Students often believe that "mathematics" was "written" by one person. In these pages you will find that the magic square mathematical game has existed throughout history and in many different parts of the world. Math is all around us and your mind will see it when you're ready!
- Name that Polygon! - The students will be able to identify and describe Polygons using the Geoboard and manipulatives to a partner.
- Number of Line Segments and Vertices - Students will recognize the cone, sphere, cube, rectangular prism, and cylinder and tell the number of vertices, faces, and edges/line segments.
- Parallel & Intersecting Line Segments, Rays, and Lines - To guide children as they model and draw polygons parallel and intersecting line segments, rays, and lines.
- Point, Line, Plane - Students will learn to work with points to make lines that then develop into planes. This exercise helps students to develop their design ideas.
- Points, Line Segments - Students will be able to recognize a point, line segment, line and a ray.
- Polyhedron in the Classroom- . The unit presented here uses the objectives found in Unit 14 of Glencoe's Interactive Mathematics, but the activities have been designed so that students can take extra time on specific mathematical ideas.
- Proving Triangle Congruency - Critical and logical thinking in solving congruency is based on using two-column proofs in order to display the thought process in a logical and orderly fashion.
- Odd Geometric Shapes - Students will recognize all 2D and 3D shapes their attributes and properties.
- Quandaries, Quagmires, and Quadrilaterals - Students classify, flip, slide, and turn a quantity of quadrilaterals. Hands-on manipulatives and problem-solving steps are used to explore these four-sided polygons. This plan is the fifth in a series of lessons on geometry.
- Recap on Geometry - Students will have a better understanding on basic geometry terms, and can produce the product on demand by using paper and pencil method, and using tactile method.
- Shapes/Space and Geometry - Students will have greater knowledge of their own capabilities and imaginations.
- Side Lengths of Triangles - This lesson introduces scalene, isosceles, and equilateral triangles and their differences.
- Similarities - The major outcome is for students to be able to quickly be able to show the difference between similar and congruent figures.
- Studying Polyhedra- Sometimes in mathematics we study ideas that are abstract and difficult to see, but polyhedral can be seen! Crystals are real world examples of polyhedra. The salt you sprinkle on your food is a crystal in the shape of a cube.
- Surface Area of Geometric Shapes - In this unit, students will apply their knowledge of area of common geometric figures to determine the surface area of a common space figure.
- Symmetry and the use of Geoboards - The students will create a Valentine's Day card using symmetry.
- Tanagram Man - TLW create different types of triangles using measurements given and classify each triangle by angles and length of lines.
- Tangrams- This unit for grades 4 through 6 uses tangrams to compute the area of polygons without formulas. In the process of doing so, the terms congruent and similar are introduced.
- Tantalizing Tessellations- This unit integrates math with subjects such as language arts and arts education. Throughout our activities we have asked the students to respond to the concepts of tessellations. They will write definitions and assess how well their groups worked together.
- Tessellation Tutorials- Tutorials and templates for making your own tessellations.
- The Building Blocks of Geometry - Students explore geometric building blocks in the real world in order to describe the characteristics and relationships of points, lines, line segments, rays, and planes. This is the first lesson plan in a series of lessons in geometry.
- The Fun Polygon - Students use hands-on manipulatives to explore and describe the properties and attributes of the fundamental polygon: triangles.
- The Plane! The Plane! - Students draw, describe, and classify polygons built from points, lines, line segments, and rays within a two-dimensional plane.
- Understanding Geometric Shapes - Where can I find geometric shapes in my surroundings?
- Understanding Perspective - Articulate and decipher form and space through the application of basic perspective principles and geometry.
- Using a Protractor - How can we estimate the measurement of angles?