Multiplication Lesson Plans
Tic Tac Toe Division Math | Multiplication Theme |
- Around the World with Multiplication- This is a fun and exciting game that reviews the multiplication facts.
- At War With Multiplication- Many children may have played War with cards before, but this lesson adds a little twist. The children will be practicing their recall of the multiplication facts while playing cards!
- Beat the Wheel- This lesson provides an opportunity for students to practice multiplication facts in a large group setting.
- Don't Eat the Crayons: Real-Life Multiplication- Students use items which come in sets to look for real-life multiples and write multiplication problems.
- Dragon Math- This activity allows students to master multiplication facts in a fun and competitive manner.
- Face the Facts to Remember- Students use manipulatives, drawings, and story problems to learn the two's multiplication tables. After learning how to find answers, they participate in a memory game to match facts and answers.
- 2x1 digit multiplication -
- Introduction-Multiplying Fractions - The learner will solve real world (word) problems by using multiplication of fractions.
- Making Multiplication Tables - Construct a multiplication grid on cardboard paper to use a reference while learning the multiplication table.
- Math Match Up!- Students solve problems using multiplication and repeated addition.
- Matrix Multiplication - Identify matrix dimensions and determine whether the product is defined and if so, what the matrix product dimensions will be.
- Multiplication and Division - Students will be able to multiply and divide facts through 10 using a variety of strategies learned.
- Multiplication & Division Word Problems Made Easy- This lesson helps students determine when to multiply or divide when solving real-world problems. The student will explore why they multiply or divide.
- Multiplication Discovery - Students will discover multiplication facts using manipulatives and drawing models.
- Multiplication Grouping - The goal for this lesson is for students to understand how addition and multiplication go hand and hand.
- Multiplication Illustration- Engage students using literature and art to apply the principals of multiplication with three or more factors.
- Multiplication in the Classroom - Children will be able to relate skip counting to multiply.
- Multiplication: It's in the Cards- By playing card games and using the The Product Game applet, students practice the multiplication facts. As students continue to master their facts, the teacher closely monitors their progress.
- Multiplication Mania- The student will learn to multiply by one-digit whole numbers.
- Multiplication Facts in 7 Days - Students will be able to complete a 5 minute timed test over basic multiplication facts at the end of the seven days with an 80% or higher.
- Multiplication Through Practice - Explain that we will be working on multiplication and that multiplication is really just repeated addition.
- Multiplication with 2s and 3s - Students will be able to identify situations in which multiplication can be used to join sets.
- Multiplicity - Mastery skills thinking structure Rationale: best structure to aide in learning math facts and the class is used to this kind of learning structure.
- Multiplying 2-Digit Numbers - Each fact must be broken apart into simpler/friendlier numbers and facts.
- Multiplying and Dividing Radicals - To teach students how to multiply and divide radical expressions.
- Multiplying Integers between 0 and 6- se their knowledge about multiplication to give examples of when multiplication is more practical than addition.
- Multiplying Variables with Exponents - Students will learn that when variables are the same and being multiplied, the exponents should be added.
- Multiplying With Style - This lesson is intended for students who already understand the concept of multiplication and how it relates to addition
- Multiplying by 3- The students practice the multiples of three as an introduction to multiplying by three.
- Munchy Multiplication- Students will learn the concept of multiplication by putting goldfish crackers into groups, adding them up, and writing multiplication sentences to show what they have done.
- Prime Real Estate- This is a hands-on procedure that utilizes the Sieve of Eratosthenes to identify prime numbers from 1-100. Eliminating all the multiples of the first four prime numbers identifies primes. The 25 numbers that remain are all primes!
- Roll a Fact- Students will write multiplication and division fact families for two given numbers.
- Six and Seven as Factors- Students create multiplication stories where one factor is 6 or 7, and play a multiplication game to help them master their multiplication facts.
- Ten Pins- Students use computer-based and hands-on activities to discover and explore patterns of multiplication using multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000.
- Which Way Am I Walking?- Students learn the concept of inverses through a real-world example, then relate it specifically to multiplication and division.