Shapes Lesson Plans

Shape Cutouts Shapes Teaching Resources


  • Basic Shapes to Recognize - Can the student recognize and name the following shapes: Circle, square, and triangle?
  • Cubes Everywhere- In this lesson, students use cubes to develop spatial thinking and review basic geometric principles through real-life applications. Students are given the opportunity to build and take apart structures based on cubes.
  • Do They Match?- In this lesson, one of a multi-part unit from Illuminations, students use three dimensional figures they have constructed to determine when two isometric drawings can represent the same shape.
  • Folding Shapes: Are the Sides Symmetrical? - Identify the letters of the alphabet as symmetrical or nonsymmetrical and put the letters in their appropriate boxes that are marked symmetrical and nonsymmetrical.
  • Geometric Solids and Their Properties- In this interactive geometry investigation students will explore geometric solids and their properties.
  1. Geometry 2D shapes - Students at carpet tell them we are going to sort and classify shapes according to their various attributes.
  2. Geometry introduction to 3D shapes - Students will sort and classify 3D objects as a group and then independently with their worksheets.
  3. Getting to Know the Shapes- In this interactive geometry investigation students will explore geometric solids and their properties.
  4. Going Crackers - In this lesson the students will sort and classify by shapes four kinds of crackers.
  5. Guess My Rule - The students will recognize similarities of certain shapes.
  6. How Do You Build Triangles?- Students investigate the basic properties of triangles. Students also investigate the relationships among other basic geometric shapes.
  7. Investigating Shapes- In these lessons, students identify characteristics of triangles, manipulate electronic geoboards to construct triangles, and name the triangles� relative locations.
  8. I See Shapes - Identifying geometric shapes and using them as descriptors.
  9. I've Seen That Shape Before- Students learn the names of solid geometric shapes and explore their properties. They identify these shapes in the real-world and in pictures found on Web sites. In pre-activities and extensions, they use physical models of simple solid shapes.
  10. Learning Shapes - After instruction on the characteristics of each shape, the preschool students will be able to name at least one defining characteristic of each shape.
  11. Name that Polygon! - Exploring geometric shapes and being able to identify and describe different Polygons.
  12. Odd Geometric Shapes - Students will recognize these shapes in nontraditionally shaped objects.
  13. Patterns and Function- In this lesson, students will investigate properties of perimeter, area, and volume related to various geometric two- and three-dimensions shapes.
  14. Rectangles and Parallelograms- In this activity, students will use dynamic software to examine the properties of rectangles and parallelograms, and identify what distinguishes a rectangle from a more general parallelogram. Using spatial relationships, they will examine the properties of two-and three-dimensional shapes.
  15. Seeing Geometry in Art- Students use paintings printed during the previous lesson to connect their knowledge of geometric shapes and terms with Kandinsky's use of geometric figures.
  16. Shape Cutter- This student interactive allows students to explore how they can decompose shapes and recompose them to make other shapes
  17. Shape Hunt Chant- In the lesson, students are introduced to shapes through books, and then learn the names of shapes, locate shapes.
  18. Shape Search - This reproducible activity sheet prompts students to list all the shapes they can find in photos of various man-made structures.
  19. Shapes Are All Around Us - How can we illustrate basic shape differences?
  20. Shapes Around Us - Students will describe and sort shapes from a set of shape cards. Students will make a poster to show one way of sorting.
  21. Shapes in Nature - Teach students how math applies to the world.
  22. Shape It Up! - Demonstrate an eagerness and interest in learning through verbal and nonverbal means while playing, listening, questioning, and interacting.
  23. Shapes with Jump Frog - TLW be able to identify a circle, square, rectangle, triangle. TLW be able to draw the 4 shapes.
  24. Shapes on the Way Home - This reproducible chart prompts students to search for and list shapes they find as they walk home from school.
  25. Symmetry and the use of Geoboards - The students will use mirrors to explore lines of symmetry.
  26. Three Sides- In these lessons, students identify characteristics of triangles, manipulate electronic geoboards to construct triangles, and name the triangles' relative locations.
  27. Working with Shapes- In this lesson, students review different geometric terms.
  28. What Can You Build with Triangles?- Students explore ways of building different basic shapes from triangles. They also investigate three dimensional shapes constructed from triangles.
  29. What Shapes Do You See? - Students will notice and identify shapes in their environment.