Lesson Plan : Shapes Are All Around Us

Teacher Name:
 Bahia Townsend
 Language Arts

 Identify, build, draw, and name triangles, rectangles, circles, and squares
 shapes circles square triangle line angle
  How can we illustrate basic shape differences? How can we make a real-world connection between circle, squares, triangles and rectangles in our environment and events in the students� lives?
 TLW Recognize circles TLW Observe circles in the environment
 Listening center with headphones Books and songs The Very Hungry Caterpillar Five Little Pumpkins Assorted Halloween books Brown Bear, Brown Bear Shapes Book Crayons Newsprint Dry erase board Tangrams Geoboards Feltboard Felt shapes http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/frames_asid_268_g_1_t_3.html [on line tangram games] Art Center Apples on the tree White easel paper with a brown trunk painted on it Green paint and large circle sponge stamp Children use circle sponge stamp to make tree top Cera The Circle http://www.dltk-teach.com/shapes/mcircle.htm wiggly eyes black pompoms red lips cut from puff paper glasses cut out rest of patterns printed on construction paper scissors glue
 explain to the students that today we are going to look at the shape called a circle.
 a. anticipatory set: explain to the students that today we are going to look at the shape called a circle. b. teacher input: Show picture card with a large circle. Show various picture cards of other smaller circles. Show shape sorter circle shapes. Talk about the characteristics of circles. Draw circle on dry erase board using a string attached to a dry erase pen while you hold the string down on a center point. Show how the circle starts at one point and without lifting your pen goes all the way around. Draw a circle freehand. Model how to make a circle shape on a geoboard. . c. rehearsal: Students participate in making circles on geoboards. Teacher and assistant walk around and check students assisting when necessary. b. teacher input: Draw circle, square and circle. Explain two are circles and one is not. Draw a mark over the circles. Draw 1 circle and two triangle shapes. Explain one is a circle and two are not. Draw a mark over the circles. c. rehearsal: Students participate in worksheet with various size circles drawn on it and a few other shapes. They are only to put a mark on the shapes that are circles. b. teacher input: Children come to the rug and teacher reads The Very Hungry Caterpillar. As teacher reads she points to circles on the first page. Teacher then asks for volunteers one at a time to come and point out circles on the pages after she reads them.
 Students uses green and yellow circles to make caterpillars
 Advanced learners: Children will work on their circle journals. They will find circles around the room and draw them on a page in their journals. Assistant and teacher will help write down what it is they see. Proficient learners: Students build something using circular shapes and tell what it does. Strategic learners: Strategic learners can have proficient learners show them their circular creations and find another use for it. Intense learners: Have these students record the number of shapes they see in a location on a graph and see where more circles are. A literacy connection to The Very Hungry Caterpillar could be for students to retell the story only substituting circular eatable objects the caterpillar eats through.
Checking For Understanding:
 Students complete worksheet where they circle all the circles on a page of different shapes.
 Class has a circle snack with a cookie, pineapple slice, cheerios and gummy lifesavers
 teacher observation worksheet
Teacher Reflections:
 Have shapes cut for art center projects. Have two parent volunteers to help monitor centers. Use rubic checklist to monitor progress.

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