American Civil War Lesson Plans

American Civil War Teaching Theme

American Civil War Worksheets

  • A Press Conference With Abraham Lincoln - Abraham Lincoln (teacher) will deliver his First Inaugural Adress and then accept questions from the Press (students). This lesson should be used after a study of the Civil War, including the leaders.
  1. An Overview of the Civil War - Examine the history of slavery in the U.S. and how it contributed to the Civil War. Students will use available technology to research and present information in response to a series of student-generated questions.
  2. Civil War And Slavery - After this the students should be able to explain to me why the South was winning all the Battles what type of war fare they used and that the North was industrial and that was why they would outlast the South.
  3. Civil War Photos Tell a Story- Students select a photograph from the Civil War era and write a story that tells about it.
  4. Civil War Recipes- Students prepare foods, including hardtack, that were among the staples of a Civil War soldier's diet.
  5. Civil War, The- An online unit plan.
  6. Civil War Battle Map - This activity is a fun way to report geographic information. The student illustrates a blank map to identify five Civil War battles.
  7. Civil War Slang- Students explore some of the words and phrases used during the Civil War-- and their meanings.
  8. Civil War Time Line- Students develop time lines of various events that took place during the Civil War.
  9. Deciphering Morse Code- Students write and decode messages using Morse code, as Civil War soldiers might have done.
  10. How Did Civil War Soldiers Battle Boredom?-Students create a diagram to compare things done to combat boredom today and during Civil War times.
  11. Lesson Plan on the Civil War- When requested, the student will describe events leading to the Civil War that will include at least 3 of the 6 events covered as well as the impact those events had on the northern and southern societies.
  12. Life During the Civil War Era- Students create a museum exhibit or a fictional journal or newspaper account about life during the Civil War era.
  13. Looking Back at Pre-Civil War Slavery - Students understand the nature of slavery, the impact of slavery on African-Americans, and how slavery intensified the conflict between the North and South that eventually led to a major cause of the Civil War.
  14. Myth and Truth: The Gettysburg Address - Behind every myth are many possible truths allowing us to discover who we were as peoples and who we are today. By exploring myths surrounding the Gettysburg Address, this lesson asks students to think critically about commonly believed �facts� about this important speech and the Civil War.
  15. Nation Divided - The Adavance of African Americans in society Struggles of the Immigrants and changes in laws Mexican and Native American struggles.
  16. North vs. South - To help students recognize the significance of The Civil War through the use of primary sources.
  17. Reconstruction - The three phases of Reconstruction and the measure of their success.
  18. Reconstruction / Primary Source - Students will listen to a brief overview of the Reconstruction period.
  19. Review of the Civil War - A brief review of figures and ideas leading up to, during and at the close of the American Civil War.
  20. The Cost of War- Students study a chart showing Civil War deaths and answer questions about the information. A work sheet is included.
  21. The Civil War - The reasons that contributed to the start of the Civil War can be seen as a result of a build-up of tension rather than a single event.
  22. The Civil War- The following lesson plan for an upper elementary unit on the Civil War contains links to other Internet sites that can provide valuable cross-curricular materials for you and your students.
  23. The Complexities of Reconstruction - The students will be able to critically analyze the social, economic, and political impact of the Federalization of the South. The students will develop a PowerPoint presentation relative to the Post Civil War South.
  24. The Price of War - Students identify and compare significant facts of Civil War battles.
  25. The South Wins Gettysburg! -After studying the American Civil War, students hypothesize that the Union Army was defeated at Gettysburg by Lee's army. Students explore how different North America would be today if the South had won the Civil War.
  26. The Union Breaks Apart - In the 1850's, new national leaders, such as Abraham Lincoln, began to speak out against slavery.
  27. United We Stand - Students participate in a simulation of the secession of the South during the Civil War and create a compare and contrast essay discussing the similarities and differences between every day life now and then.
  28. What Do We Know About the Civil War? - The Civil War was an important event in United States history. War, death, destruction, slavery and more occurred during the Civil War. We should ask ourselves, what were the negative and positive effects that resulted from the Civil War?
  29. Who Killed Abraham Lincoln?- Students read an original manuscript about the investigation of Lincoln's assassination, then work in groups to write and perform a play based on the story.