Lesson Plan : Nation Divided

Teacher Name:
 Mr. Williams
 Grade 11-12
 Social Studies

 A Nation Divided (Cultural Struggles throughout the 1920's
 The Adavance of African Americans in society Struggles of the Immigrants and changes in laws Mexican and Native American struggles
 2C.4a. Evaluate the effects of requesting support from and providing support to others. 2D.4b. Analyze how conflict-resolution skills contribute to work within a group 3A.4a. Demonstrate personal responsibility in making ethical decisions.
 Students will develop understanding in challenges facing the ehtnic groups of immigrants and native americans. Movement North of African Americans and reasoning behind
 Notes, Overhead
 Start Class off with introduction of material Grade worksheet from previous day
 Introduce the ideas and reasoning behind knowing the struggles that these many people faced.
 Section 12.3 �A Nation Divided� African American Move North Reasons- � Discrimination Freedom (Less of an issue) � Economic Opportunity � New Start Violence- � New life in cities as that of farm life � Chicago ex. Boy swimming and stoned by a white man with witnesses and no charges were filed. � The Return of the KKK- � Followed same tactics as in post Civil War days and Reconstruction of the South � Slow growth but rapid changes in the population disbursement creates rapid growth � Connection to the Red Scare where Fanatics found a grip in the fears of people � End of 1920�s decline of their influence takes place African Americans Defend Themselves and Create Social Change Antilynching Campaigns- � NAACP (National Association of Advancement of Colored People) o Forces law enforcement to begin to take on the activities against African Americans EX. Chicago o Developed a publication in which different injustices were put in print African American Groups- � Unions were created to create a voice for the masses � Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters � Black Nationalism- creation of a new political state in Africa � UNIA (Universal Negro Improvement Association) Immigration and Cultural Change- � 140,000 immigrants in 1919 � 805,000 immigrants in 1921 � Immigration Act of 1924- allowed for limitations on new immigrants based on current populations Mexican and Native Americans- � 500,000 in 1920�s into the Southwest, Chicago, Detroit and other southern Border Cities (LA, San Diego, Texas cities) � Land attacks against Native Americans
 Whatever the situation calls for.
Checking For Understanding:
 Grading of worksheets and participation points.
 Intro of material for next day and expectations for next week. Introduce Assessment material.
 Worksheet and Participation Points
Teacher Reflections:

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