Docs Teacher Guide to the Human Body

The human body is an intriguing system. Scientists over the years have come up with various interesting facts about the human body and are still doing so. Whether it's our eyes or our tummy, everything in our body has something interesting to talk about. Here are some of the most interesting facts about the human body:

  • Heat released by the human body in one hour can boil 5 liters of water in one hour.
  • Our eyes blink in order to clean tears and moisture from the eye balls so that we can see clearly.
  • Blinking also is a reflex action that protects the eyes. If something is thrown at your eyes you will immediately blink.
  • We die of hunger after 9 days because our stomach digests itself.
  • The strongest and the sturdiest muscle of the human body is the tongue.
  • At the time of birth, babies don't have knee caps. Knee caps grow gradually and they are there by the age 2.

Our nose and ears are always growing no matter how old we are

The layers of our lungs can cover a standard tennis court if spread out.

Our brain is composed of 80% of water whereas 70% of our bodies' muscles are made up of water. Thus, when we sweat, the water leaving our bodies needs to be replaced or else we dehydrate.

Our brains are way more active during nighttime compared to daytime.

It takes 2 hours for our brain to go in the sleep mode once we have slept. This is the reason why you start dreaming after two hours and not before that.

Our heads weigh around 8 pounds each. - Our hair is composed of used up cells, yet it is the fastest growing tissue of our body.

If the small intestine is spread, it can cover 22 feet of ground.

If the human brain is spread, it can cover around 1 to 3 miles of land.

You can't sneeze with your eyes open - As you sneeze, your body is at a pause completely including your heart.

The heart of a woman beats faster than the heart of a man

A woman in her lifetime blinks double the time a man does.

The human skull is made up of 29 different types of bones - An average human breathes more than 23,000 times in 24 hours.

Blood that travels in our body constantly completes a journey of 60,000 miles in one day. - The human cornea is similar to a shark's cornea - Our liver performs more than five hundred different functions for the body

The largest organ of our body is the skin. In a standard human being, the skin is of 25 feet.

Two million red blood cells die every second in our body and are replaced.

After the age of 35, our brain starts losing blood cells which are never replaced. The brain also starts shrinking after the age of 20, and that is the reason behind children's ability to memorize things more easily than adults.

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