Animal Lesson Plans

Animals Teaching Theme Animals Worksheets


  1. Animal Behavior- Students will observe stimulus-response behavior.
  2. Animal Behavior: "Groggy Goldfish"- To observe the behavior of goldfish in water of varying temperatures.
  3. Animal Life Histories Derived From Morphology- Students will begin to learn the mechanisms of natural selection by deducing information from the physical appearance of the animal.
  4. Animal Group Review - Characteristics of animal groups that the children have been studying including reptiles, amphibians, and insects.
  5. Animals: Here and Now- Have a basic understanding of the animal kingdom and the various classifications.
  6. Animals and Their Coverings- To review and recall information about invertebrates and vertebrates, cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals and their coverings.
  7. Animals and their Habitats - Students will know plants and animals have structures that serve different functions in growth, survival, and reproduction.
  8. Be A "Peder-Reader": A Discovery Activity- To learn about the millipede's physical structure and characteristics by observing its behavior in given activities. Pupils will hypothesize whether they think the millipede will make an interesting pet for them or not.
  9. Bernoulli's Principle and Winged Flight- The objectives are to see how the decrease in air pressure which occurs when air is moving (relative to air which is not moving or is moving more slowly) allows birds to fly.
  10. Bird Beaks- The main objective of this Mini-teach is to show students that many different birds can live in the same geographical area because they are adapted to eat different organisms.
  11. Blind as a Bat - Students will learn about the concept of echolocation during a week long unit on bats.
  12. But, Why SEX?- To show the idea of sex offering genetic variability therefore allowing evolution to proceed at a faster rate when necessary.
  13. Careers in Vet.& Animal Science - The students will be able recognize careers in the field of animal science and veterinary science.
  14. Characteristics of Mussel Species - Students will be able to identify 5 species of various mussels, by sets of physical characteristics as they use a dichotomous key.
  15. Classification of an Echinoderm- To understand how the starfish relates to its classification.
  16. Classification of an invertebrate: Sponge- To become familiar with primitive animals.
  17. Cool Coral Reefs- Identify, color, and label a world map and the location of the coral reefs.
  18. Dinosaurs: Read All About Them!- The main objective of the Mini-teach is to introduce students to library research as an integral part of scientific research.
  19. Embryology: From Egg To Chick- This lesson illustrates similarities of biological functions in all animals.
  20. Features Of Mammals - Students will be able to understand that mammals have distinctive features which help us identify them.
  21. How and Why Chameleons Change Colors- Given a chameleon, the students will observe the color changes and explain the possible conditions that cause this reptile to change colors.
  22. If You Were Any Animal - Choose any animal, research this animal and create a Power Point presentation containing all information found.
  23. Insect Classification- Demonstrate the ability to classify any given insects by using a scientific insect classification key.
  24. Insects: Grasshoppers- Students will learn the characteristics of a grasshopper and the functions of the grasshopper external body parts.
  25. Insect Inquiries- The main objective of this lesson is to develop in the learner a curiosity about the insect world. Students will collect and observe insects native to the area.
  26. Know Your Cousins: Monotremas, Marsupials, and Placentals- It identifies some mammals. Students should be able to recognize characteristics of mammals. Students should be able to categorize mammal groupings. Students should be able to describe how mammals grow inside the mother's body and resemble their parents at birth.
  27. Life Cycle of a Frog - Students will demonstrate through the sequencing of cards the correct order of development.
  28. Making Your Dog Your Best Friend- This lesson is aimed for students of all grades to show them that hands, voice and heart is the basis of dog training and through demonstration and hands on experience, students will be able to teach a dog simple commands and to play a game.
  29. Name the Animals - The student will be able to identify the animals from the book "Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?"
  30. National Zoo Virtual Field Trip 1 - TLW observe animals on live web cam and discuss similar and different features among animals.
  31. Owl Pellets- Relate the contents of the owl pellet to the human skeletal system.
  32. Reconstructing A Fossil Pterosaur- Make inferences about the mode of locomotion, feeding habits, and adaptations of Scaphognathus crassirostis.
  33. Sea Activities- The students will learn that the sea water is salty, how to extract salt, and convert seawater into fresh drinking water.
  34. Sharks- The objective of this lesson is to teach the interrelationship between marine life forms.
  35. Teeth Identification in Omnivores, Herbivores and Carnivores- The main objective of this lesson is to demonstrate the differences in teeth structure and how it determines what a specific animal eats.
  36. Testing Fats in Food- The main objective of this Mini-teach is to provide students with the opportunity to test the presence of fat in foods. Students will become more aware of their daily diet.
  37. The Acetate Animal Hunt- Students should be able to determine which variations (adaptations) would allow an organism to survive and reproduce in a certain environment.
  38. The Amazing Starfish- The main objective of this mini-teach is to familiarize the students with the amazingly simple but complex characteristics of an Echinoderm.
  39. The Earthworm- To acquaint students with earthworms.
  40. Toothpick Worms- The objective of this lesson is to let students experience the role of color in camouflage.
  41. What Can You Learn From A Mealworm?- To practice collecting metric data using mealworms.
  42. What Kind of Animal? - Understanding what certain animals are that they may not be familiar with.
  43. Where's Walrus and Other Animals - The student will be able to identify and animal and that animals habitat.
  44. Wonderful Worms- Primary children will be able to identify living and non-living things.