Noun Worksheets
Abstract and Concrete Nouns
What is the purpose of each noun in this set. Read each sentence and classify the bold noun. Concrete means that you can sense it some how.
Collective Nouns for Groups
This is a fun one. What do they call a groups of camels? This one of those interesting worksheets that teaches just about all ages something new.
Count or Non-count Nouns
Can these nouns be quantified? Can you count numbers of these nouns? Lets see.
Direct Object Nouns
What the direct object of each verb in the sentences? This is a great exercise for that.
Identify Adjectives In A Sentence: Describing Nouns
A great sheet to review with. Find both the noun and adjective that modifies it. A nice a quick activity.
Is It A Noun or an Adjective?
A very general parts of speech sheet. Remember that nouns are people, places, or things. Adjectives help modify nouns and usually describe something.
Common to Proper Noun
We ask you to be creative.
Make Me Proper: Nouns
Come up with a few more for us. Remember that nouns are people, places, or things. Adjectives help modify nouns and usually describe something.
Noun Identification Worksheet
Where is the noun in this and is it a person, place, or thing? Underline all the nouns that you can find. You might want to tell students how many total nouns there are to start.
Plural Nouns
Convert between both singular and plural in this exercise. We give you either the singular or plural form of a noun and ask you for the other.
People Nouns
For each sentence, find the noun that is related to or is a person or people.
Nouns That Are Places
Where are all the nouns that are places.
Noun Identification Worksheet: Things
Identify all the things for us.
Forming Compound Nouns Possessive Nouns
Make your own possessive words based on our hints. Very similar to compound words. It just so happens that every word on this worksheet is a person, place, and/or thing.
Person, Place or Thing
A quick classify it activity. Circle it up!
Proper Noun Worksheet Version 2
Another shot of specific names for you. We group them together for you to make it flow well.
Nouns Worksheet
What is the plural of goose again? All the nouns in these sentences are related to the theme of the Easter holiday.
Common or Proper Noun
Is the word we give you a common or proper noun. Remember the more general it is, the more common it is.
Pronoun Usage
We get many thanks for this worksheet. Remember the more general it is, the more common it is. Come up with your own sentence by tell us what gels best.
Find and Classify
Find them and classify them.
Quantity Terms with Count Nouns
Change the quantity in the sentence to make it flip upside down. Use the inverse form of the quantity described in each sentence. Make sure to rewrite each sentence with the proper syntax.
What Are the Different Types of Nouns?
There is a word present in the English language to represent everything we see around us in the world. Nouns are words or a part of a sentence that represents or identifies a person, a place, or a thing.
Nouns are also used to name a particular one of these. You may also describe them as "naming words."
Like everything else in English, nouns may not be too simple at first glance. They can be vague and confusing at times and represent ideas or emoticons and concepts.
Before we get into details of the different types of nouns, let's first look at a few simple examples to help you understand what nouns are. As described above, they can be used to describe the following:-
- A person: The name of a person is a noun, as are the words used to describe him or her, such as your teacher, cousin, brother.
- A place: A word that is used to name places like counties, cities, etc., and locations like a house, office, building, apartment, park.
- A thing: (which includes objects and animals) A word that names things like the terms for pets like your cat or dog or objects around the house like a lamp or a cooking pot and even items you play with like a tennis ball or a board game.
- A concept: A word representing an intangible concept like belief or comfort, for example.
- An idea: These could be words that describe intangible ideas, for example, loyalty and integrity.
- An emotion: These are words that are used to express your feelings. For example, the feeling of happiness or sadness or joy can be described using nouns.
Examples of Using Nouns in Sentences
Now you must have started to get a gist of what nouns are and their purpose in the English language. Let us now look at a few examples of nouns used in sentences to make things more straightforward.
Looking at examples is a great way to learn and implement what you have studied in your writing. Remember that several nouns can be used in a sentence at once. Let's apply what we have learned so far in a few sentences. So, keep reading and test yourself by identifying one or more nouns used in these examples.
1. Have you fed your cat? (Thing)
2. My cousin will be visiting us soon. (person)
3. I am excited to visit the amusement park today. (place)
4. We will have burgers for dinner tonight. (thing)
5. She needs to buy a new phone as her previous one broke recently. (thing)
6. In winters, my bedroom is chilly in the morning, so we require a heater to keep the room temperature warm enough. (place;thing)
7. I regret not going to my friend’s birthday party because I missed all the fun. (emotion)
8. There is no honor in telling a lie and cheating. (Idea)
9. The waiter at the restaurant asked us if we would like to place our order from the menu or go with the chef’s special. (person; place)
10. She has a bad habit of being dishonest. (idea)
With these self-explanatory and straightforward examples, you will use nouns in sentences like a pro. The key is to keep practicing. Try reading as much as you can and encircle words you believe to be nouns.
Now let's move one step ahead and learn about the different types of nouns that exist in the English language. These classifications with examples will surely help you understand and identify them in your everyday life. After reading this article, you are bound to be a pro at nouns!
Types or Classifications of Nouns with Examples
So without any further ado, let's begin discussing the types of nouns.
1. Concrete Nouns - Concrete nouns represent things that physically exist and can be seen, touched, smelled, heard, or tasted. At least one of our five senses can perceive these things: cat, coffee, leaf, chair, tune, etc.
2. Abstract Nouns - Abstract nouns are nouns that things we cannot see or touch. These nouns represent certain conditions, qualities, or ideas, thereby not being in physical existence, such as joy, laughter, humor, truth, love, time, etc.
3. Common Nouns - Common nouns generally refer to people, places, things, or ideas. Examples of these include cousin, country, boots, freedom, etc.
4. Proper Nouns - Proper nouns are nouns not used in general terms but are used to name s pecific nouns. For example, the word "cousin" is a common noun. However, assuming his name is John, his name would be called a proper noun.
5. Collective Nouns - Collective nouns are nouns used to describe a group or a collection of things, for example, a crowd of kids or a team or players.
6. Compound Nouns - Compound nouns consist of two or more words that make a single noun by joining together: for example, six-pack abs or brother-in-law.
7. Singular Nouns- Singular nouns refer to a single person, thing, or place, for example, a hotel, a meal, etc.
8. Plural Nouns- Plural nouns represent more than a single person, thing, or place—for example, three blogs, five pencils, etc.
Practice and Quiz yourself
To master the art of using nouns requires practice, and these foundational English Language skills are crucial for communicating effectively.
You can start by practicing nouns on worksheets, followed by quizzes to assess yourself and learn from your mistakes.
The best way to learn is by practicing and effectively reinforcing the information. Use these noun worksheets to start the journey.
Once you have had sufficient practice and are confident about your noun skills, take a noun quiz to assess how far you have come. Don't be disheartened by a few mistakes, as you are bound to learn from them. Good Luck!
Remember that knowing nouns and using them appropriately is the fundamental step towards effective communication. You are bound to find a noun in every English language sentence. Keep practicing your noun skills. We hope that you found this article informative. We are wishing you the very best of luck. Happy Learning!
Teacher Resources For Nouns
You'll find a whole bunch of great ideas in here.