Rounding Worksheets

Our rounding worksheets range from rounding to the nearest millions to the nearest ten-thousands place. We also have mixed rounding sheets here too. We cover all skills found in the standards.

Mixed Place Values

Rounding Word Problems Around Town - Problems that require you to round to complete them. We add rounding in word problems. Who would have thought how common and often we use rounding in daily life.

Mixed Review on Place Value, Rounding, and Integers - This is a fun one. It covers all core skills. This is in a fun format and covers a great number of skills! Have fan with it.

Rounding Series - We ask you to round to just about every place value. We round at every possible level. This is great form of review on the topic.

Rounding Multiple Choice - Perfect for test prep. These are very closely related to the format that you will see on most basic math assessments for baseline skills.

Add and Round - This is a great way to compare an estimate to an actual problem. Calculate the sum, then round the numbers and find the sum of the rounded values.

Subtract and Round - Take the difference and compare it to an estimate. Find the difference and then round them. Once you round them find the difference again.

Text Based Mixed Rounding - We use words to define the integers. The integers that you will be rounding are in the form of words. This makes it just a little bit more challenging.



Rounding To Tenths in the Clouds - Match the plane with the cloud it belongs with. Every thing should be rounded to the nearest tenth on the planes.

Round Decimals to the Nearest Tenths - Round'em up to the nearest tenths place. This should be a quick one.

Round to the Nearest Tenths (Showing Thousandths) - More rote practice for you. Be a hot dog on this one and see how fast you can finish them up.

Round to the Nearest Tenths (Showing Ten-Thousandths) - Don't get fooled by such an extended place set. We give some really long decimals here and ask you to round them to the nearest tenths place.

Rounding Hundredths Decimals To the Nearest Tenths - We add an extra place value to our skill set. This should be a quick and easy one for you to handle. We use it just for review.

Round Decimals to the Nearest Tenths in Words - Kids have a great deal of difficulty with these. Convert the words to numbers and round them.

Round Decimals to the Nearest Hundredths - A simple, yet effective sheet. Take the numbers and round them to the nearest hundredth. That two behind the decimal.

Round to the Nearest Hundredths (Showing Ten-Thousandths) - We step up the values here. You are given small numbers, but large decimals. Work with them to round them to the nearest hundredths.

Round Word Decimals to the Nearest Hundredths - The tenths place seems to give them trouble here. You are given word based numbers that you need to round to the nearest hundredths place.

Round Decimals to the Nearest Thousandths - This is the top level skill that the Core cites. Rounding the numbers three digits to the right of the decimal point.


Nearest Tens Place

Rounding Papers to Folders (Round to Nearest Tens) - Match the papers to the folders that they belong to. Round the number on the left and match it with your answer on the right.

Round to the Nearest Tens Place - We use double digits to get you started. We work on rounding two digit numbers. There are two version in this printable worksheet file.

Round to the Nearest Tens Place with Words - We go all English on the integers. The numbers are given to you in words. You can round them in numbers or words; your choice.

Round Three Digits to the Nearest Tens Place - Students sometimes have a problem leaving that upper place value alone. Don't get tricked on this one. Yes, you have three numbers but they will be rounded only to the nearest tens place.

Round Three Digits to the Nearest Tens Place (In Words) - The larger words start throwing kids for a loop. You're given three digit word based integers. Round them to the nearest tens place only.

Round Four Digits to the Nearest Tens Place - Remember that you are only worried about the tens place. Remember that you are asked to only round to the nearest tens place. So you are really only touching the last two digits.

Working With Money

Round to the Nearest Dollar $$ - There are many version on this one to practice with. Let your teacher specify what you should round it to, but we suggest the nearest dollar.

Large Value Rounding

Get to Your Ship and Round to the Nearest Hundreds - Get your happy little alien to his ship by match his rounded hundreds value to the proper ship value.

Round to the Nearest Hundreds Place - We sometimes assume that if students do well with the tens place and decimals that this is easy. That's not always the case.

Round to the Nearest Thousands - An easy, but often over looked skill. Round all of the numbers to the nearest thousand place. You can add commas on your answers too.

Round to the Nearest Ten Thousands Place - We start moving up in the world. Make sure to add commas to make it easier to see and understand.

Round to the Nearest Millions - The highest place value the standards cover. Round each number to the millions place. The puppy has some pretty big numbers waiting for you.

Super Helpers

Math Worksheet Generator - Make your own custom worksheet.

Place Value Worksheets - This is a category that we are very proud of. You will find a ton of great worksheets in here.

Do Now! (Grade Specific) Math Worksheets - These are great to kick off your day.

How to Teach Students to Round Off Numbers?

If you recall your early school years, do remember how you understood the concept of rounding numbers? Your teacher most likely taught the students how to round down and up from the number five. In simple words, when the last digit is less than five, it is rounded down; if it is greater than five, it is rounded up.

In truth, there are several rounding word plays and rhymes that can aid in teaching children how to round off numbers.

Here we'll mention what rounding is, its importance, and how one can teach children how to round numbers.

What Is It?

Anytime we discuss the concept of rounding numbers, we're referring to the process of simplifying a number. Rounding entails simplifying a number by shifting it to its nearest value that is simpler to deal with, which is especially useful while practicing mental math. For example, if you need to calculate the solution to 61 × 6, you might round 61 to 60, making it easy for you to do the calculation in your head, knowing the answer will be somewhere around 360 (60 × 6).

Estimation is a rough computation. Although the results of the estimation are less exact, they are beneficial in circumstances where an accurate calculation is not required.

How to Teach Students Rounding

There are several approaches to teaching rounding conceptually. You may utilize open-ended questions, fun activities, and interactive number lines. There are also plenty of ways in which the children can do solo practice.

1. Keep It Visual

Have your number lines ready for this one! A 100 chart is also a useful resource for helping children understand the notion of rounding figures to the nearest 10.

Make it visible by providing kids with actual tools that can help them comprehend how rounding is done and when we really need to round down or up. Children will be better ready to apply this to numbers of just about any size after a solid foundation is established.

2. Make Identifying the Midpoints a Priority

Finding the midway between two numbers is one of the most difficult challenges for children when learning to round. To solve this difficulty, give children number lines with pre-labeled beginning and ending points. Ask each kid to identify the middle point between two numbers.

For instance, if the number line starts at 120 and finishes at 130, the halfway point is at 125.

Based on your student's ability, provide a range of number lines in different variations of tens, and hundreds to mark. Always start with values less than a hundred and work your way up from there.

3. Include it in Your Lesson Warm-Ups

Don't just forget about it after you've taught your kids how to round off numbers. Utilize their rounding abilities while teaching estimate, number theory, or money exploration.

Giving children pop sticks with 'round down' on one side and 'round up' on the other is a simple and quick approach to conduct a whole-class warm-up. Also, incorporate rounding puzzles into your lecture warm-up or begin your class with counting by five, tens, or hundreds.

4. Completing the Numbers Sequences

Give the kid a number line with a midway point and a value in between, but leave the beginning and end points empty. Allow your children to finish the line using the numbers that have previously been presented to them. If the halfway point is 55 and the other number is 52, your kid would put in 50 as the starting point and 60 as the endpoint.

Although this practice does not technically require rounding, it does help to develop place value abilities in order to prepare students to comprehend the idea.

5. Enjoy a Round of Rounding Wars

Games and activities are an excellent method to learn mathematical skills! Encourage your kid to participate in the following entertaining activity.

To begin, decide whether the participants will round by tens or hundreds then arrange card numbers in advance. Put two decks of cards containing multiples of tens and put them facing down in two different piles. When you're ready to roll, have two kids pick a card from the rival decks at the same time. Children must swiftly connect their number to a huge number line or game board. The person who rounds their number correctly first wins that round and receives both cards.

Importance of Rounding Off Numbers

Rounding numbers simplifies their use. While mildly less exact, their values remain quite similar to what they could have been initially. Individuals round numbers in a variety of contexts, among those are many real life situations they encounter frequently.

Assume you and your colleagues are heading to a local restaurant and want to ensure that you do have a sufficient amount of cash to cover the bill. You may easily and conveniently add the sums by rounding the price of each dish to the closest dollar.

Sometimes you need to round off a large, complicated number like 725,984,346 to the nearest value that is easy to comprehend like 7 million. You do that in order to convey your message in a better manner, which will be easy to comprehend for the reader or listener.

To Sum Up

Teaching children how to round off numbers can be a challenging endeavor. However, given that acquiring this basic math skill can aid in the development of more advanced skills makes this task fruitful.

There are a number of ways using which the children can master the art of rounding off numbers, some of which are mentioned above.

Have the kids participate in such activities and see them understand and grasp the concept of rounding numbers.