3rd Grade Math Worksheets (Grade 3 - For Ages 8 to 9)

These math worksheets are designed specifically for grade 3 students. They are all aligned directly to core math standards. These skills are appropriate for students eight to nine years of age. If you are looking for specific skill based math worksheets for this grade level you can find all topics in a our printable math skills area.

Looking for quick reviews or math warm-ups for 3rd grade? See our complete grade 3 Do Now Math Section here.

Advanced Skills

These skills are entirely new to students at this level. They get progressively more difficult, as you go down the column.

What Do Students Learn in 3rd Grade Math?

3rd grade students have a good grasp of numbers. In the 3rd grade, students build on the skills they have learned in previous classes and polish their basics. They also learn new concepts like multiplication, division and many more big ideas. They are dealing with four-digit numbers, are getting more familiar with fractions. All concepts come with an explanation of how they’re applied in the world for them to start comprehending how the world works.

Multiplication and Division

After students have learned how to add and subtract numbers, in 3rd grade, teachers will introduce them to multiplication and division.

Because it is such an important concept in math, teachers will focus on building and polishing their understanding of it and encourage plenty of practice. Towards the end of 3rd grade, you can expect your child to learn tables and divisions till 100.

Like the concepts of addition and subtraction, children need to practice multiplication and division because an excellent understanding of these concepts will help the child become better at problem-solving.

Being good at basic math will equip your child with the confidence to take part in class more and the encourage them to learn math. The pace of learning increases in 3rd grade, so it is best your child has the learning tools to keep up.

Learning Exact Time

Teachers have previously introduced students to checking time, however they were only able to tell time to the nearest five minutes. Knowing how to tell time is a great skill to have; it helps students to prepare for the future and think about the time that has passed.

The students in 3rd grade will learn to measure exact time using digital and analog watches and clocks. In 3rd grade math lessons, students will also learn to tell the difference between AM and PM time.

Once your child knows how to tell time, they can actually learn slowly how to manage the time as well.

One of the simplest ways to make your child learn how to tell time is to ask them to tell you what time it is frequently throughout the day.

Data Analysis and Probability

Students will be introduced to this incredibly useful concept of data analysis. It is wise to learn all the basics of data analysis at an early stage. In 3rd grade, your children will engage with concepts regarding graphs and their arrangements. Their concepts about addition and subtraction will be useful here to read the data from the graph efficiently.

3rd grade students will also learn the concept of probability. They will also learn how to predict the outcomes in different situations through marbles or dice.

Basic Geometry

In 3rd grade, students will be introduced to two-dimensional shapes. In class, they will learn to put the shapes into categories, such as circle, triangle, rectangle, and square. They will also learn how to analyze these shapes and ,their different features, as well as compare the different properties of these shapes. Children will be taught the different sides and angles of these shapes.

At this level, children will also learn how to define perimeters, and they develop this understanding by measuring perimeters using a ruler.

It is important that they understand the basic two-dimensional shapes at this stage as the concept of three-dimensional shapes will become easier for them to comprehend.

Ask them to look around and identify the shapes in their surroundings - a circle in the wall clock, a cookie, button on a shirt, or sun; a rectangle hidden in the window frame, a dollar bill, or Lego blocks lying around; a square photo frame hanging on the wall, a piece of bread, or a cracker; triangles in road signs, pizza slices, sail boats and rooftops.


Teachers in 3rd grade will equip the students with an understanding of how to find equivalent fractions, compare different fractions, and add or subtract fractions that have a common denominator.

Teach them how fractions can be applied in real life like pizza slices or while handling money.


Students will build on their estimation skills from second grade. They will now learn to use metric units of liters, milliliters, kilograms, and grams. They will also learn about measuring capacity and temperature in 3rd grade math. They will use this understanding of measurement and units to measure the mass and volume of objects, noting their measurement on scales.

Teach them measurements of different objects using a variety of rulers. Bring the concept of capacity to life by making them figure out how to measure different liquids and solids with a range of measuring cups and spoons.

Final Word

In the 3rd grade, math may be tricky to grasp for some students, but it is also the most important part of a student’s academic journey. What they learn in 3rd grade math builds the overall foundation of their mathematical concepts and skills. It helps them to think logically about problems and find quick solutions to them.

What students are learning in 3rd grade is useful and applicable to their everyday life, and provided in 3rd grade their foundation of math is strong, they will become more confident and successful in math lessons in the future.