3rd Grade Do Now Math Worksheets

Do you want to know the skill levels of your 3rd grader? These printable worksheets make it easy. They are sorted by skill level for you. Every thing is aligned to the national core math learning standards. You should find these really helpful throughout the school year.

Basic Level Sheets

  1. Version 1 - Simple Division, 4 digit Sums and Differences, Double Digit Multiplication: We start doing longer operations. No remainders yet on the division.
  2. Version 2 - Simple Word Problems, Rounding to the 10s Place: These word problems are to get their minds to start rolling. Rounding should be a breeze for them.
  3. Version 3 - Rounding to the 10s and 100s Place: We go rounding crazy. We suggest getting in the habit of underlining the place value that we are focused on.
  4. Version 4 - Expressing Whole Numbers As Fractions, Operations and Rounding: Make sure to stress reading the directions on this one. We find that when we forget to mention that, less than half the students do it as it was intended to be done.
  5. Version 5 - Short Division, Rounding to 10s and 100s: All division problems are remainder free and divide evenly. We hit place value once again.
  6. Version 6 - Basic Operations: We look at every basic operation there is. They are well spaced out.
  7. Version 7 - Word Problems and Rounding: A real good mix of problems for this grade level. We also add dual strategies in to help lead learners.
  8. Version 8 - Fractions to Whole Numbers, Mixed Operations: This is a good lead into mixed numbers whole number based division.
  9. Version 9 - Simple Word Problem and Quotients: All numbers divide evenly. We are still using "short" division, if you will.
  10. Version 10 - Round to 10s Then Multiply By 7: This is the ultimate review for students. You want to do this one towards the end of the year.

Intermediate Level Sheets

  1. Version 1 - Math Facts With Products and Quotients: This one can take a while until you get the hang of the concept of math facts.
  2. Version 2 - Products and Visual Division: We start to focus on double digit multiples and basic geometric fractions.
  3. Version 3 - Modeling Fractions: This is a great lead in skill to help in the understanding of fractions.
  4. Version 4 - Equivalent Fractions, Model Fractions: This is where true understanding of what a fraction is comes out. This is the higher level of thinking through fractions.
  5. Version 5 - Word Problems and Perimeter of Rectangles: We start off with a distance based word problem. We then start to look at the perimeter of rectangles.
  6. Version 6 - Divide Shapes into Equal Parts, Write the Fraction: I really like to use this one with my classes. It really demonstrates who fully understands what a fraction and fractional relationship is.
  7. Version 7 - Products and Creating Products: This will really help students understand how to progress to division from a complete understanding of multiplication.
  8. Version 8 - Models to Fractions: Bring the fractions to life with this worksheet.
  9. Version 9 - Draw Fractions: Let's model some more fractions. By the end of this worksheet, you shouldn't have to explain it again.
  10. Version 10 - A Rectangular Word Problem: This is a many stage word problem. You will see these types of problems on National Assessments. They are said to represent the real world to greater capacity than previous standard problems.

Advanced Level Sheets

  1. Version 1 - Completing Products and Quotients: Students complete operations. This is really step number one towards early algebra.
  2. Version 2 - Patterns and Number Line Fractions: Students begin to learn new math lingo. The number and where fractions line on the line can throw them for a loop at times.
  3. Version 3 - Comparing Fractions and Understanding Models: The fractions that are being compared all share the same denominator.
  4. Version 4 - Time Word Problem and Bar Graphs: This word problem can be very difficult for this age group, but something like is often tested. The bar graph should be easy for them though.
  5. Version 5 - Math Sentence Operations: We start to introduce the operation based math terms (product, quotient, sum, and difference). This time we make them an intricate part of each problem.
  6. Version 6 - Beginner Algebra: Another review on the use of math terms and meeting up with algebra for the first time again.
  7. Version 7 - Hundreds Place, Sum of Money, Fractions As Decimals: These are firsts for kids as they meet up with decimal conversion and adding more than ten dollars. Place value is really an advance in that it targets a specific place value.
  8. Version 8 - Decimals as Fractions, Comparing Fractions: Decimal conversion is something students find easier than the reverse. Again we use the same denominators for comparing fractions.
  9. Version 9 - Time Word Problem and Fractions in Relation To A Number Line: This word problem is really a lower level 5th grade skill, but similar questions have appeared at this level on many assessments.
  10. Version 10 - Bar Graphing: This should be a cinch for your higher level students. We would recommend crayons or markers be available.