1st Grade Math Worksheets

These math worksheets are designed specifically for grade 1 students. Everything is aligned directly with the core math curriculum. They are geared for students usually of age six to seven. You will find the topics and math skills below are perfect for students in this age bracket.

We also have a full "Do Now" math section for this grade level available here. Do nows are great for quick review and warm-ups.




Mixed 1st Grade Math Skills

What Do Students Learn in the 1st Grade Math?

First grade is the beginning of learning the fundamentals of math. Students who have just graduated from kindergarten are ready to handle bigger numbers and sums. This includes everything from understanding how measurements work to learning about basic fractions. First-grade math for students is simple but vital to introduce them to the complex world of mathematics. The purpose of this is to build a strong foundation of mathematical knowledge.

Although some concepts may be taught differently or taught at a later stage (depending on the school), here are some basic concepts that are part of any first-grade math lesson plan.

Numbers and Sums

Learning how to count is an essential part of first-grade math for students. At this stage, students will have some basic understanding of numbers and might even know how to count up to 10. In first grade, they will learn to count differently, such as backward and onward at random. They will also learn to count up to 100.

First grade math activities can include visual objects to help them understand numbers. They will also learn how to count in a series. Some schools might even teach students how to count, read and write numbers past 100 up to 999

Most importantly, they will learn how to add two-digit and one-digit numbers. They will learn to interpret some basic math symbols (+, - and =) and might even be taught how to use these to solve three-digit sums. Addition and Subtraction is a basic mathematical concepts that students need to know at this stage.

Learning about Basic Fractions

First grade math lesson plans will include a very basic introduction to the concept of fractions. This is to help students understand what exactly fractions are. They will be taught the meaning of halves and quarters. They will learn how to tell the difference between bigger halves and smaller halves.

Fractions can be confusing at this stage, especially since first grade math for students is very new. The easiest way to help students understand fractions is to show them visually how to divide something like a pie into several equal parts. Teaching students how to understand the relationship of parts to a whole will help expand their knowledge for more difficult fractional problems in the future.

They will not just be shown how to divide one object into several parts but will also be shown how to divide a group of objects. For example, demonstrating that two halves of four cupcakes make up one whole cupcake.

Shapes and Graphs

First grade students will learn how to tell the difference between different shapes. They will be introduced to some basic shapes like squares and triangles. And will also be introduced to some 3D shapes like cubes and pyramids. They will be taught how to tell the difference between the two types of shapes. They will learn how to show numbers on simple line graphs and record them on a tally chart.

They will also be taught how to see patterns in a particular data set such as the numerical difference between a series so that they can predict which number will come next. These will be simple patterns so as not to confuse students. This is also part of building their logical intelligence.

All about Time and Money

Students will learn to recognize half-hour and one-hour time on a clock. They will learn how to tell time as accurately as possible, right to the nearest quarter-hour. They will learn how to tell time from both digital and analog clocks. They will also learn how to count money to give them a basic understanding of how it works.

First grade math activities might include showing students a calendar and teaching them how to identify a day and differentiate it from a week/month. They will also learn to recognize what exactly longer time is compared to shorter time.

Students will be taught how to tell the difference between heavier and lighter objects. They might also be taught what greater than and lesser than mean when it comes to numbers. Using measuring tools, they will be taught how to measure the weight of an object and then classify it into a simple measuring unit. They will learn how to use a ruler to measure the length of an object

Sets and Patterns

First grade math will introduce the concept of sets to students. They will learn how to classify different objects on the basis of shape, color, and purpose. By placing objects in sets, they will be able to tell what will be next in the pattern series based on the similarity of a particular attribute.

Example: Placing larger objects in the same set. This kind of knowledge of patterns is an important aspect of building a student’s logical abilities.

Place Values

Students will be introduced to the concept of number place values which includes understanding how a particular number fits into two-digit or three-digit numbers. Example: 3 in 300 belongs to the 100 series while 0s belong to the 10 and 01 series respectively. First grade math curriculums will include base 10 numbers to help students understand how place values work and which place value a particular number belongs to.

First grade math lesson plans are made to break down difficult concepts for students to grasp easily. The curriculum is ideal for any student who has just graduated from kindergarten. Knowing the first grade math curriculum is helpful for those parents, who like to prepare their children beforehand. If they’re already familiar with these concepts, then it might be better to consider moving them to a higher grade level.