Africa Lesson Plans

Explorers Teaching Theme

Africa Teaching Theme | Africa Worksheets

  1. Africa: Comparison and Contrast Paper- Students compare two places in Africa that differ vastly.
  2. Africa Unit Plan- A huge list of classroom ideas.
  3. African Folktales- Sometimes it is wise to follow the advice of others and at other times it will only bring disaster. To know when to obey can be the problem. This lesson will focus on stories from South Africa, Morocco and Nigeria and character traits valued in those cultures.
  4. Africa's Geographic Features- The students will learn of Africa's geographic diversity after answering the questions and locating its geographic features. The students will have a visual picture of these features by viewing them on the Internet.
  5. AIDS in Africa: The global impact - To teach the students about life,health,and death due to the effects of HIV/AIDS here in the United States and in another country.
  6. Ancient Africa's Connection to Today- Ancient Africa's historical contributions are told though the eyes of a spider, Anansi, and his search calabash game. Fabric art is optional.
  7. Character Traits and People in Black History- Students read a one-page biographical essay and write in paragraph form how an African American has demonstrated a certain character trait.
  8. Cultural Exposure- This lesson explains why and how colonist attitudes towards the Native Americans and African Americans changed over time.
  9. From Africa to America - To understand and appreciate an excerpt from an autobiography.
  10. Learning About Africa- In this lesson, students will write about a location in Africa. They will choose a place and write a short story featuring them as the main character. The short story would be about something they would do in their setting if they lived there.
  11. Ndebele Object Painting - The learner will organize the components of a work into a cohesive whole through knowledge of organizational principles of design and art elements.
  12. Slavery through the Ages- Students work in groups to define slavery in three different cultures. Students will be given information on slavery in Greek, Roman, and African cultures, and then after some discussion, they will be asked to answer questions on the topic.
  13. Stories from Africa- This lesson looks at elephants.
  14. Swahili Numbers and The African Tradition and Origin of Spirituals - We are going to review some of the swahili words we have learned. We will also investigate topics on Slavery, Spirituals, Law Pertaining to Owning Slaves, Adversity.
  15. The Achievements and Challenges of Zimbabwe- This unit is intended to focus on some of those aspects of Zimbabwean life and history that are of great significance to understanding the people of Zimbabwe today and their situation.
  16. What is a griot? - Students will be become familiar with the purpose and importance of the West African griot.
  17. Zaire: The land of dense forests - Explaining about the location of equatorial forests of the world. To know about the climate, vegetation, wildlife, people, food and crops, minerals, industry, water resources, etc of Zaire.