Math Web Quests
Web Quest Maker | What's A Web Quest, You Ask?
- Fibonacci Number Sequence - You will explore resources online to answer specific questions on Fibonacci, whom he was and why he was so important to math. What kinds of sequences are there?
- Floor Tile Dilemma - Your task is to tile a section of the classroom with the tile squares that you have been given. You must follow the process for tiling and the instructions on the mortar for mixing.
- How to use Excel 2010 - You have to learn how to use Excel 2010 to help with school projects and to keep track of useful information you have to know for your work. You will be answering questions and learning how to use this program.
- How to use PowerPoint - In this task you will be learning how to use design, wordart,how to change your font, the color, how to add video and audio to your slide. You also be learning how to add pictures to your slides and text boxes and charts.
- Keyboard Design - The task ahead is to find the keyboard needed to complete your desk top computer that will help you while studying for school by Research several keyboard design layouts including the QWERTY.
- Land Use Problems - You and your team are responsible for writing and presenting a speech (no shorter than 5 minutes) to address the nation regarding the government's position on the proposed sight of construction of the Aluminum Smelter Plant.
- Make a Business Plan - You are going to develop a business plan and present it to the class. In the business plan, you must decide if your business is going to sell a product or provide a service.
- Math Dough - Knowing how to add fractions will certainly come in handy when you need to make a one person recipe enough for you entire family. First, we need to remember the many different rules about adding fractions.
- Measurement Maniac - Today, we are going to put your estimation skills to the test!
- Metrics - You guessed it! Your task is to design that postcard, and your quest is about to begin.
- Reading Clocks - Students will interactively match and change time on clocks.
- Solving Equations Review! - Think of a strategy you can use to help you remember the steps needed to solve equations with multiple steps.
- Cooking with Fractions
- Creative Encounter of the Numerical Kind
- The King of Tides
- Living Within Your Means
- Mathematicians