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Name: __________________________ Subject: Math
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Math Dough


  Fractions are mathematical concepts that are applicable to life in many ways. In fact, you have probably been learning about fractions for several years. Fractions play a part in your life even outside of the classroom. Sometimes, when working recipes the listed ingredients are only for one person. What if you were making the recipe for your entire family? What if the recipe states that you need � a cup of sugar and you need the recipe for more than one person? Knowing how to add fractions will certainly come in handy when you need to make a one person recipe enough for you entire family. First, we need to remember the many different rules about adding fractions.
  We are going to learn about adding fractions using a number of resources. With the handout you received in class, the internet, and personally created recipe cards we are going to explore everything we need to know about adding fractions. The handout will follow along with this WebQuest and help you keep your thoughts and results organized.
Your journey through the WebQuest will enable you to answer the following questions: Which part of the fraction is the numerator and which part of the fraction is the denominator? How do you add two fractions with the same denominator and different numerators? The least common denominator is simply the least common multiple of denominators. Therefore, how are we going to find the least common denominator of a given set of fractions? How do we add two fractions with different denominators? You will observe a recipe to make play dough but the recipe will be for one person. You are going to make a personal recipe card which will include the recipe you need in order to make enough play dough for you and your family.


1) Visit, read, navigate, and use the following websites to complete the questions stated in the task, which are also typed on the worksheet.

Go to the bottom portion of this site where it reviews how to use the step diagram to find the least common multiple, which will be the least common denominator:

2) Visit and press the start button. There will be ten adding fractions practice problems. Write down every problem and answer on the handout I gave to you in class in the stated area. Make sure you show any and all work that is needed to complete each problem.

3) Go to

and write down the recipe for play dough on your worksheet.

4) This recipe is for one person to have play dough, but you need enough for your entire family. Figure out how much of each ingredient is needed to make enough play dough for each member of your family. Do any and all work in the given space on your worksheet.

5) Lastly, use your new family play dough recipe to create a personal recipe card for you and your family. Make sure your unique recipe card includes the necessary ingredients your family will need and dont forget to include the steps too!

  3 points
The students worksheet had all necessary fields completed with correct answers. Student has worksheet on due date. The worksheet has the appropriate information, problems, and answers. Student also has family recipe card (on provided 5 x 7 inch index card) with all of the necessary parts. The student always stayed on task while on the computers and followed all directions.

2 points
The students worksheet has most of the necessary fields completed with correct answers. Student has worksheet on due date with majority of answers correct or completed. Student also has family recipe card (on provided 5 x 7 inch index card) with most of the necessary parts. The student usually stayed on task while working on the WebQuest.

1 point
Students worksheet did not have all necessary fields completed with correct responses. Student handed in worksheet with some information missing or incorrect responses or student did not have work to hand in on due date. Students family recipe card is not complete, not correct, or has not been submitted to the teacher.

  Is math a part of your life when you are not in a classroom? Is addition with fractions only on math tests? What other times might you need to know how to add fractions?

This Web Quest is available at

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