Lesson Plan : Teaching sh, ch, ck, and th

Teacher Name:
 Lacy Russell
 Grade 4
 Special Education

 Teaching digraphs
 Key words: digraphs, vowels, consonants, welded sounds
 Students will able able to decode words using digraphs
 The learner will apply phonics and structural analysis to decode words
 Wilson's sound cards, Wilson's magnetic boards with letters, Targeted Reading intervention word list, and drill cards
 -My students are in 4th grade and are already familiar with dirgaphs although they do not know the appropriate terminology. They also don't know key words to help them remember sounds. "Today we will be learning about digraphs. Digraphs are two constants that are stuck together and read as one sounds. We will be learning 4 separate sounds and work on blending them into words. Our sounds are th, ch, sh, and ck."
 We will do a drill of vowel sounds as well as a very consonant sounds for practice. I will introduce each digraph, its key word, and its sound. "T-H, thumb, /th/" "C-H, chin, /ch/" "S-H, ship, /sh/" "C-K, sock, /k/" As I teach these sounds and the students repeat, I will be providing constant feedback. Many times students add the 'uh' sound to the end of words, it is corrected by modeling again and asking the student to clip their sound. Students will have an opportunity to practice in the group as well as individually. I also mix the cards up so they don't get used to the order. Once they are confident I then bring in mastered sounds and go through those as well as the new sounds for retention.
 Students first practice as a group by using the same sound cards but laid on the table. I spell out words (ex. ship) and have them decode by tapping each sound then blending them again. Each child gets plenty of practice reading words I create. We also practice sounds by building them on the magnetic board (multi-sensory instruction).
 The lesson is tailored to each child's needs. Directions and questions are repeated for children who need to hear the information again, the learning is hands-on and each student is involved, error correction is given immediately as well as feedback for each child.
Checking For Understanding:
 Students will read flashcards with words that contain digraphs to check for reading fluency. (When I taught this lesson a few months ago, students had a difficult time remembering the word digraph. One student in particular could not remember it even if provided the words seconds before he was asked to say it. I took a sticky note and wrote "what is a digraph?" on it and stuck it to his shirt. He laughed and was eager to have others ask him the question. The other students wanted the same thing, so I wrote the same question on sticky notes and the students walked around school all day being asked by other kids and adults "what is a digraph?" The next day, they all knew the answer and the word to match it.
 I will review the definition of "digraph" and we will review examples and non-examples.
 Students are required to read word lists of both real and pseudo words. I will graph results.
Teacher Reflections:
 I have taught this lesson to 3 groups of students who enjoyed it. I made sure to review well the next day, a few days after, and now periodically to ensure retention.

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