Lesson Plan : Chair Check 101

Teacher Name:
 Mr. Hadley
 Grade 9-10
 Special Education

 Social Skills
 This is to help student develop appropriate Social Skills for a variety of �public settings� in the school day to include assemblies, cafeteria and field trips. Following are terms students must be familiar with (do not take for granted): Chair Check; Language Check; Volume Check; Hand Check; Listen Up and Tine Out. Student must also know what is meant by �Visual Cues�, for example most are familiar with the sign for �time out� used doing many sporting events.
 Student will behave within acceptable parameters in public settings at school, such as assemblies, cafeteria, etc
 Student will �tell� or demonstrate an understanding of terms and visual cues at 100% accuracy. Student will adhere to instructions of correction or adjustment when instructed correctable to 100% (compliances) as prescribed by teacher. Student will maintain acceptable and appropriate behavior in all public settings to 100% with not more than two warning per day.
 No special materials are needed; however, access to auditorium, cafeteria and gym would be helpful.
 Many of you are used to being told to be seated; not lean back in your chair, be quiet; watch your language and keep your hands to yourselves. That will not change, you will continuously be reminded to act/behave in a an appropriate manner, however, the way I will ask you to behave will not or at least minimize you being �called out� in front of your friends or peers. However, if I have to �call you out� I WILL.
 Chair Check: All four legs are to remain on the flood at all times, when you hear �Chair Check� you are to align your chair per my demonstration, check for items on the floor (pick up as needed). (Visual: Both hands facing down moving in a downward motion) Language Check: Refrain from the use of derogatory language, particularly profanity, toward others. (Visual: Tapping the corner of my mouth). Hands Check: Keep you hands to yourselves, stop touching others. This will be use if I, the teacher, feel the touching is inappropriate or excessive. Volume Check: When student is too loud and may be disturbing others around them. Visual, tap lips, then spiral downward motion with finger. Listen Up: Use to have student pay closer attention. Visual: Tap earlobe. Time Out: Stop present activity and return to �normal�. Used when students are getting too active or per teacher�s discretion. Visual is the time out sign used at many sporting events.
 During class, observe students behaviors and correct them accordingly using both verbal and visual commands, then gradually using visual commands while lip syncing. This will encourage your students to look at you from time to time in the public setting and you to communicate with them without bringing attention toward them from others. Then move to the gym, auditorium and cafeteria and explain how the system will work in those areas.
 Proximity is vital. You must be able to see students and they see you. However, one has to accommodate students in assemblies per school policies, yet allow enough freedom for student to succeed.
Checking For Understanding:
 Observation and immediately feedback will allow for flexibility and adjustment on the case by case bases. Although, this is a class OBJECTIVE, it is individually tailored, since each child may have a different challenge.
 Most students do not like to be �Called Out� or corrected publicly, yet they must behave appropriately at all times and when they do not, they must be corrected. This lesson or approach provides a means to communicate with students without saying a word and with practice can be done very discreetly.
 Objective: Chart infractions to include date, time, type, location and result. Subjective: Observation and monitoring; many of us have a feel for our students and when they are behaving better, we know it, however, parents like to see �OBJECTIVE.� Bottom line for evaluation; do what is best for the child.
Teacher Reflections:

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