Lesson Plan : Student's Original Children's Book

Teacher Name:
 Amanda Sokolnicki
 Grade 6
 Literature Activities

 After being able to identify the elements of a short story by reading several children's books and authors, the students will write, revise, and publish their own original children's book that demonstrates the key elements of a short story. The students will put their story in the form of a book and will use the computers to type out the story. They will incorporate art into their story using pictures that they drew themselves so that they match up with the story according to the page. They will also create a book that is interactive, making pages that have pop-ups, flaps that reveal more information on the story and any other ways the students can make the book more fun for the reader. These books will be given to the 4th grade students for them to read and comment on. The 4th graders will also be able to meet the author of their book after they have read it to discuss the story.
 Students will learn the elements of writing a short story. Students will plan, revise, and publish an original children's book after reading many other children's books to understand how they work. Students will utilize a variety of ways to express themselves in their story with drawings, the layout of their book and it's presentation.
 #1.Teach the students the elements of a short story. #2.Students should be able to identify and demonstrate their knowledge of the elements they have learned through a variety of activities (reading short stories and various children's books, practicing using the elements in short writing assignments, etc.) #3.Students will have to draft, edit, and revise their story. They will also need to have their story reviewed and edited by three people, their self, a peer, and the final teacher edit. #4.Plan the layout of each page of the short story on a separate sheet of paper so that they will know the placement of how they want their book to look like. Students must show the exact text, placement of text, and placement of illustrations/graphics. -The students will also need to design a cover for the book and a title page.
 The students should be able to identify the elements of a short story so that they will know how to re-create those elements within their own story. -Given a choice between Conflict and Plot as the most important part of a story, Sam will chose Plot 7 out of 10 times. -Given a choice between Conflict and Plot as the most important part of a story, Sam will chose Plot with 70% accuracy.
 To teach my objectives, I will use visual aids such as videos/websites on the classroom computer (if available) that describe the elements of a short story in ways the students can understand. I will also use visual aids that I have created to show the different elements if the students still do not quite understand them.
 a)What elements do you need to create a short story? Is there a specific order that these elements go in to make the short story? Which of these elements is the most important to think of when writing a short story? b)We will start the class reading a short story together. After reading it, the students will get into groups of 4 and will identify the elements as best they can while giving specific examples. We will then go over each groups answers and compare them with each other. The students will then have to write a short story of their own that includes all elements of a short story. They will be able to draft, edit, and revise their story by having it peer reviewed, edited by the teacher and themselves.
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