Lesson Plan : Main Idea, Simpson's style

Teacher Name:
 Mr. Martinez
 Grade 7-8
 Language Arts

 Identifying parts of a story through 2 episodes of the Simpsons season 1.
 Vocabulary: Plot, Setting, Main Characters, Conflict, Resolution
 SWBAT define the words plot, setting, main characters, conflict, and resolution SWBAT identify the plot, setting, main characters, conflict, and resolution in a story (episode of the Simpsons)
 SWBAT define the words plot, setting, main characters, conflict, and resolution SWBAT identify the plot, setting, main characters, conflict, and resolution in a story (episode of the Simpsons) SWBAT watch and follow along with the Simpsons with minimal talking SWBAT watch and follow along with the Simpsons episode without touching each other
 -Overhead projector or chalkboard for definitions -TV -Simpsons DVD or VHS -Graphic Organizer -Grade level appropriate short story
 -Do Now: Think of your favorite TV show and episode. Who was in it? Where were they? What happened? Was there a problem? How did it get solved? -Student Responses.
 -This do now should be easy for a lot of kids since they are only talking about their favorite TV show. -I will show that these questions we just answered are in fact the plot, setting, main characters, conflict, and resolution of a story. By already having done this i am hoping it will give students some confidence that they can do this again. -We will copy the definitions of each word so that the students will have them and can study them for an upcoming vocabulary quiz. -We have been working on a short story in class. I will use this as a first example of how to find these things in a story. We will go through as a class, with the students in small groups, finding each one of these things in our short story. This will give the students more practice and also alow me to demonstrate and model this again for those still struggling with the concept.
 -Our guided practice will be the first episode of the Simpsons we are going to watch. -The students will have a graphic organizer in front of them with the following questions: 1)Where does this episode take place? (Setting) 2)Who is shown the most in the episode? (Main Characters) 3)What happens in the story? (Plot) 4)What is the problem the characters run into? (Conflict) 5)How do they solve this problem? (Resolution) -Each question must be answered in TAG format to reinforce their complete sentence writing. -After the episode we will go over the answers as a class so that once again everyone will be able to see the right answers and get full credit which should boost their confidence. It will also give me another chance to model how this is done.
 The graphic organizer will be in three formats: 1)Just a straight worksheet style with the questions and lines for the answers. Ex. Where does this episode take place? ________________ 2)The second type for some of my students who are decent writers but are still having trouble beggining their sentences will have the questions and a sentence starter to get them started. Ex. What happens in the story (Plot)? This story is about____________________ One important thing that happened was ______________ At the end_______________________________ 3) The third G.O. is for some of my very low readers and others who cannot write very fast and even in a 20 minute episode would have trouble keeping up with the writing and watching. It will be a fill in the blank. Ex. Where does this episode take place? (Setting) This episode takes place in_______________.
Checking For Understanding:
 -Three forms of feedback: First orally in the short story we looked at at the beggining of class, second is the G.O. we use for the first episode of the Simpsons, and the last is the second G.O. the students complete on their own for the second episode of the Simpsons. -I will also assign homework which i can check for the students understanding through.
 -Quick review for tickets. I will ask for definitions and examples of each word we learned and offer tickets to those who can correctly answer the questions or give an example.
 -Orally -2 Graphic Organizers -Homework
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