Lesson Plan : Culinary Skills

Teacher Name:
 Constance Phillips
 Grade 11-12
 Special Education

 Insights in Culinary Art
 To assist students in reaching his/her goals, semester courses in English, Health, Math, Life Skills Classes, and Home Economics or Consumer Science must be meet.
 *To improve quality of nutrition and health in the community service . Student will increase prevocational skills by 70% accuracy in relating hygiene skills to career chose. *To give you the opportunity to demostrate that you have mastered the understanding of service learning in your community. Student will, by the ending of his/her IEP, increase his/her written expression skills by 70% accuracy.
 *Students will apply what they have learned about serving the community, by designing and implementing healthy service-learning projects. *Students will brainstorm and come to consensus on five main service-learning projects.
 *Students will view movie titled, Culinary Arts Around the World. Serving techniques, Etiquette display, Utensil Placement, and Dining Table set-up, must be displayed. must be
 10 week program Designed for students who have little or no experience in food service and are interested in pursuing a career as a Professional Cook, Short Order Cook, Baker, or Beverage Handler with a long-term goal of becoming a Chef.
 Emphasis is placed on building a solid understanding of principles of professional cooking, extensive hands on training in the kitchen.
 Participate in pre/post surveys as authentic assessments toward self, communities and career choice.
 The MERS/Goodwill Community Kitchen provides culinary service learning jobs to students and low-income residents to prepare them for careers in the food service industry. It is an innavative, exciting, and cost efficient way to feed the hungry, train the unemployed, and generate economic support.
Checking For Understanding:
 *As students work to achieve self-sufficiency, they serve their communities, producing hundreds of nutritious meals for a variety of social feeding programs such as Kids Cafes, senior centers, shelters, and community dining rooms. *During their service, students develop valuable life and professional skills including, goal establishment, resume writing, and interviewing skills to help them gain and sustain employment after graduation.
Teacher Reflections:
 MERS/Goodwill Kitchen is important to the people it serves

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