Lesson Plan : Cave Club Introduction

Teacher Name:
 William Fikioris

 Cave Club- Prehistoric Time Period
 Evolution of Man Stages of Evolution, Prehistory, Types of Animals (e.g. Mammals, Omnivore, Carnivore) Prehistory, Past, Present, and Future
 Student will learn about prehistoric time through hands-on learning activities and other creative art projects.
 Students will be able to identify key components of the prehistoric age, including the three stages of time- past, present, and future.
 Tape for Time Line, Print-Out Blocks- Past, Present, & Future
 Students will enter cave club by saying the password, "wise elder." After entering cave club, students will wear animal hides and light cave fire before opening mantra.
 Model the three stages of time- past, present, and future. Have students walk through time line and "steps of time." Each student will start at present and take on step backwards to demonstrate the past. Have students take one step forward from present to demonstrate the future.
 Using time line exercise, have students demonstrate understanding of time through use of manipulatives (stones).
 For differentiated instruction, have higher ability students double the amount of stones to reflect twice their age (e.g. 14 stones for a 7 year old student).
Checking For Understanding:
 For assessment purposes, have students demonstrate understanding of past, present, and future through use of stones. Past- How many stones would you have based on your age last year? Future- How many stones would you have based on your age two years from now?
 Past- time before today Present- today or recent time Future- tomorrow or time after today
 Through use of formal and informal assessment, students will need to continually review all three stages of time- past, present, and future.
Teacher Reflections:
 Both time line activity and stone demonstration were effective to meet the objective of the lesson.

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