Lesson Plan : All Around the Body

Teacher Name:
 Rebecca Casaus
 Grade 4

 Systems of the Body: Circulatory, Nervous, Digestive and Respiratory
 Circulatory, Nervous, Digestive and Respiratory System stomach lungs brain heart trachea capillary skin intestine esophagus spinal cord arteries nose
 Students will know the parts of the body that make up each of the 4 body systems. Students will know what each system's function is within the body.
 Students will be able to create a life sized, internal diagram of the 4 body systems. Students will be able to write about each system:which body parts make up the syatem and their function.
 Internet, encyclopedias and library books, Large chart paper, markers, construction paper,scissors, glue, pictures of the body parts, The Magic School Bus Inside the Human Body, worksheets: Systems of the Body and All Around the Body, Research Page
 A.I will read aloud to the students, The Magic School Bus Inside the Body. B.Brainstorm with the class to try to name as many organs in the body as possible.
 A. We will discuss the sequence as we read. B. I will model how to do an interview.
 B.Students will be placed in cooperative groups of 3-4. Two students will research, one will write and the other will be on the interview panel. Students will complete the Research Page.
 Students will learn the basic vocabulary associated with their body system.
Checking For Understanding:
 Each student will: complete sequence sheet, produce a written summary comming from the interview process. Each team/group will create a lifesized, internal diagram of the 4 body systems. Students will be able to write a paragraph about each system:which body parts make up the syatem and their function.
 Each group will present their life sized diagram of the body and their systems.
Teacher Reflections:

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