Lesson Plan : Profiles Based On Topographic Data

Teacher Name:
 Ms Guzzardo/ Ms Lenigan
 Grade 9-10

 Creating Profiles based on topographic data.
 New Vocabulary: Profile Review Vocabulary: Topographic Map, contour line, isoline, contour interval, depression, hill, hacture marks, aerial view, elevation, graphing, gradient, slope, steep, gentle
 The Learner will draw profiles based on topographic maps. TLW understand that there are two different views of a landscape in cartography. TLW review how to plot value points. TLW create a line graph. TLW use an interval to determine the elevation of each contour line involved in the profile.
 How can map makers translate an aerial view of a landscape into a side view of the same landscape?
 DO NOW worksheet: Sketching people's profiles. Graphic Organizer: Reviewing vocab, map representations, and practicing drawing profiles. Power Point Presentation: Walking students through each step of creating profiles. Photocopy pack of each Power Point Slide: for students to follow along and keep to study/review from. Scrap Paper Method worksheet: 3 more practice profiles. Homework Worksheet: To review terms, practice profiling, and practice gradient equation.
 DO NOW: Students will receive a DO NOW worksheet as they enter the classroom. They will have 5 minutes to draw a full view of a woman's face based on her profile and create the profile of Sean Connery based on the full view of his face. Teachers will walk around and monitor the students' work. We will then discuss our drawings and determine the definition of a profile.
 PROCEDURE: 1) The students will receive their graphic organizers for class. 2) As a class we will review the previous vocabulary regarding mapping and the features of a topographic map. 3) The students will then receive a photocopy handout of the profile power point and we will walk through each step of creating a profile. 4) On the board, the teacher will demonstrate the steps to create a profile using the first example on their organizers and the drop down method. 5) They students will try the next two profiles on their own as the teachers monitor. 6) Teacher will use an overhead to display answers and take any questions. 7) Next the teacher will demonstrate the scrap paper method of creating profiles using the first example of their worksheet. The example will be enlarged using the overhead and drawn on the white board. 8) The students will practice the scrap paper method on their own with two problems.
 Graphic Organizer: 1st drop down method profile. Scrap Paper Worksheet: 1st scrap paper method profile. Homework worksheet: extension of independent practice. This will be collected and reviewed by teachers.
 Enlarge graphic organizer and scrap paper worksheet for student with eye sight challenge. Individual packs of each power point slide for the entire class.
Checking For Understanding:
 Teacher will monitor students progress on creating profiles during independent practice.
 As a class we will summarize the steps used to create a profile of a topographic map and review the vocabulary used in the lesson.
 I think that by using the drop down method first, the students were able to gain a better understanding of the scrap paper method. Sometimes it is too much to go over numerous steps at once. Building up the skill was very helpful for the class. After collecting and reviewing the homeworks, I noticed that some students missed the final step of connecting the points with a curved line. I handed back their homeworks and revisited the steps to completing a profile. We then practiced creating profiles further in class for two more periods. I think this extended practice helped the students.
Teacher Reflections:
 Students enjoyed drawing profiles of people and trying to interpret different points of view. The review of vocabulary was very good and I felt that students gained confidence in the subject we have been studying. The power point was easy to follow, especially with the entire class having their own copy. The students were very good at predicting the next steps in profiling. Doing the first example profiles of each method was very beneficial. Students followed along and were able to guide me through the steps. I think the continual practice and use of graphing in each unit has helped the students improve their skills with plotting points and locations.

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