Lesson Plan : Transporting Cell Materials

Teacher Name:
 B. Banes
 Grade 11-12

 It is important for a student to know the process of which it takes to transport and materials in and out of a cell.
 Passive Transport Diffusion Equilibrium Solute Solvent Solution Osmosis Coupled channels Active transport Chemiosmosis
 The goal is for the students to learn and know the process of transmitting materials in and out of the cells.
 Differentiate between diffusion and osmosis. Predict the direction of water molecule movement through a membrane, given solute concentrations on each side. Define active transportation. Identify and describe the functions of three types of active transport channels.
 No materials are needed.
 For students to know the section they must know the key terms first. It is recommended that you advise your students to define the key terms before beginning to read the section. After they have defined the terms give them a short quiz to test what they have learned. The all together "popcorn" read the chapter.
 There are pictures on pages, 61 and 63. Have your students remake these pictures labeling what it is that is happening.
 There is a "sugar cube" experiment on page 59. Food coloring can be used as a substitute to the sugar cube. The coloring will be very clear for students to see the interaction.
Checking For Understanding:
 Have a class discussion. Add examples that the students of "today" will be able to relate with. Make sure everyone participates and give strict points for participation if this is a low participant class.
 End with answering any last minute questions and for homework, assign them to find three examples of how a channel maybe needed. It doesn't need to be scientifically thought out, just in relation so what was learned.
Teacher Reflections:

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