Lesson Plan : Just Passing Through; Transparent
Teacher Name: | k. Smith |
Grade: | Grade 4 |
Subject: | Science |
Topic: | Understanding how objects react to light. |
Content: | Transparent, Translucent, and Opaque |
Goals: | TSWBAT define the terms transparent, translucent, and opaque and explain how light reacts when it comes in contact with objects of these types. |
Objectives: | SC standards addressed in the lesson: IV.A.3.a Observe and demonstrate that light waves travel in a straight line. IV.A.3.b Investigate and examine how light waves travel through various media (solids, liquids, and gases) |
Materials: | � Overhead projector � White board markers � Flash light � Transparency of study guide � Transparency of,work sheet For each student: � Science notebook � �Just Passing Through� study guide. � Just Passing Through� work sheet � Animal shadows sheet � For each group (5 groups) � 2 flashlights � 2 pieces of white paper � 2 pieces of black paper � 2 pieces of plastic paper ( transparency) � 2 pieces of paper board � 2 pieces of aluminum foil � 2 pieces of waxed paper � 2 pieces of tissue paper � 2 papers plate � 2 glue sticks � Overhead projector � White board markers � Flash light � Transparency of study guide � Transparency of,work sheet For each student: � Science notebook � �Just Passing Through� study guide. � Just Passing Through� work sheet � Animal shadows sheet � For each group (5 groups) � 2 flashlights � 2 pieces of white paper � 2 pieces of black paper � 2 pieces of plastic paper ( transparency) � 2 pieces of paper board � 2 pieces of aluminum foil � 2 pieces of waxed paper � 2 pieces of tissue paper � 2 papers plate � 2 glue sticks � Overhead projector � White board markers � Flash light � Transparency of study guide � Transparency of,work sheet For each student: � Science notebook � �Just Passing Through� study guide. � Just Passing Through� work sheet � Animal shadows sheet � For each group (5 groups) � 2 flashlights � 2 pieces of white paper � 2 pieces of black paper � 2 pieces of plastic paper ( transparency) � 2 pieces of paper board � 2 pieces of aluminum foil � 2 pieces of waxed paper � 2 pieces of tissue paper � 2 papers plate � 2 glue sticks |
Introduction: | I will say, �The purpose of the lesson today is to introduce you to facts about light and objects that come into contact with light sources. We are going to investigate how light travels and how different objects react when exposed to light. This is going to be an exciting lesson and we are going to have fun while we are learning, but first you must listen quietly while I tell you some things you will need to know to complete your investigation� While distributing the �Just Passing Through� study guide, I will explain that the blanks on the guide should be filled in while I read the information and that they will have to listen carefully to be able to do this. I will use this type of guide to hold the students attention while I am lecturing and to reduce the stress experienced by students who have trouble taking notes during lecture. |
Development: | 1. Read the �Just Passing Through� study guide information. 2. Ask the students to think about how light behaves. 3. Turn lights off. (Explain that all students must remain in their seats for safety reasons.) 4. Stand behind the door and hold a flashlight directly against the door. 5. Ask if they can see any of the light. 6. Explain that light cannot move around the door unless it can bounce off of something. 7. Stand back from the door and ask if they can see the light. 8. Explain that the glow they are seeing is the light bouncing off of objects in the room including the floor, ceiling, etc. 9. Explain that light would prefer to just pass through objects it comes into contact with. Some objects allow it, some do not, and some let just a little light pass through them. 10. Share the objects they will be testing and ask them to predict the results and write their predictions on the worksheet. 11. Pass out the �Just Passing Through� worksheet. |
Practice: | 1. Collect materials from the supply station. 2. Test each of the items by holding a flashlight over the object and directing the beam of light down toward their desk top and then record their results on the worksheet. 3. Fill in the blanks on the bottom of the worksheet. 4. Return materials to supply station. 5. Glue study guide and worksheet into their notebooks |
Accommodations: | |
Checking For Understanding: | � The students will complete the graph and fill in the blanks on the �Just Passing Through� worksheet. This activity requires them to investigate the properties of the objects and then sort and classify the objects as being either: transparent, translucent, or opaque. � Summative test at the end of the unit on light. (See study guide for possible test questions.) � Formative assessment will be given in the form of a teacher demonstration followed by questions to evaluate the students understanding of the concept. |
Closure: | |
Evaluation: | |
Teacher Reflections: |
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