Lesson Plan : Cell Division Unit

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 Grade 9-10

 Cell division
 Mitosis and meiosis
 Goal 1: The learner will develop abilities necessary to do and understand scientific inquiry. Goal 2: The learner will develop an understanding of the physical, chemical, and cellular basis of life. 2.03 Investigate and analyze the cell as a living system including: � Maintenance of homeostasis. � Movement of materials into and out of cells.
 2.03 Investigate and analyze the cell as a living system including: � Maintenance of homeostasis. � Movement of materials into and out of cells.
 Egg, vinegar, etc
 Class will discuss commonly understood diffusion phenomena in their lives, (e.g., perfume counter at mall, baking bread in oven).
 Students will apply knowledge to draw diagrams and fill out exercise sheets. Students will act out the process of osmosis and differential diffusion using barriers they can/can�t fit through (e.g., heights of students representing different types of molecules).
 Students will work in lab teams to discuss vocabulary and conduct experiments. The students will learn about osmosis and diffusion in plant and animal cells through experiments with decalcified chicken eggs, beets, and dialysis tubing, all of which are placed in solutions of various concentrations.
 Level 1: Students given concept map for unit and graphic organizer to review vocabulary. They will spend more time drawing important concepts; drawings for work sheets and labs will be referred to during discussions and labs. Lab prepped ahead to allow for greater investigation and discussion time. Overall pace slower to allow for greater discussion and activities. Omit tubing experiment if time constrained.Students given concept map for unit and graphic organizer to review vocabulary. They will spend more time drawing important concepts; drawings for work sheets and labs will be referred to during discussions and labs. Lab prepped ahead to allow for greater investigation and discussion time. Overall pace slower to allow for greater discussion and activities. Omit tubing experiment if time constrained. Level 2: Lab run without prep. Students engage in a discussion of challenges (and adaptations) for plants and animals living in aquatic, arid, or polluted environments. Add optional carrot or potato experiment. Level 3: In addition to level 2, students are expected to understand and use the more technical terms associated with osmosis, diffusion, and solutions. Students design and carry out an experiment to test the permeability of a plastic bag to iodine in solution; explain/discuss what happened and why. At home assignment: celery in dye photo essay.
Checking For Understanding:
 Students fill out review questions as end of period quiz Student participation discussion. Diagrams with labels.
 Students fill out review questions as end of period quiz
 Assessment tools for data collection: � Bell work pre-assessment � Worksheets/vocabulary � Lab write-ups � Discussions
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