Lesson Plan : Ecosystems

Teacher Name:
 Mrs. Carolyn Carter
 Grade 5

 Ecosystem Interaction LS.4.5.1 - Distinguish among and model organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems, biosphere LS.4.5.5 - Examine the role of limiting factors on the carrying capacity of an ecosystem: food, space, water and shelter
 Land Biomes What is a Biome? A biome is a large ecosystem with generally the same climate, plants, and animals. Tropical Rainforest Biomes - Warm ecosystems near the equator and some get large amounts of rain. They have more species than all other biomes. Deciduous Forest Biomes - Grow in cooler places that do not have huge amounts of rain. Grassland Biomes - Are covered by many types of grasses, few trees, and support many kinds of animals. Taiga Biomes - Has grass, trees that have needles, and animals adapted for cold temperatures. Desert Biomes - Receive less than 25 cm of precipitation each year. The organisims are adapted to survive extreme temperatures and little rainfall. Tundra Biomes - Very cold biome with little rain. Carrying Capacity - The number of organisms that an area can support. Limiting Factors - Amount of food, water, space, and shelter determine the number of organisms that can live in an ecosystem.
 Students will gain an understanding of what is a land ecosystem. Students will create a concept web to organize ideas about interactions in ecosystems. Students will create an ecosystem using designated materials.
 The student describes characteristics of land biomes and gives examples of plants, animals and climate of each biome. Students explain how organisms adapt to the physical conditions of their biome. Students will be able to define the term ecosystem as a working unit made up of organisms interacting with each other and with nonliving factors. An ecosystem will be a 2-liter bottle filled with sand, gravel, plants, insects, water, fish, fish food, and sunlight. For this lesson the students will set up the Terrarium. Students will be able to discuss ecosystems in their surroundings. Students will be able to create their own ecosystem, with given materials, in a bottle.
 Ecosystems Student Investigations Handbook Leveled Readers Record Sheet 1 bottle part T 1 bottle cap 3 plastic cups 2 cupfuls of soil 1 piece of fiberglass screen 1 rubber band 1 spoon 1 cup of water 1 dropper 1 cup of gravel 10-20 seeds each of grass, alfalfa, and mustard 2 toothpicks 1 hand lens 1 marker Collected matter consisting of leaves, rocks, and twigs
 What is an ecosystem? The biosphere is the part of the Earth that contains all the living things on the planet. Each ecosystem that we study is a part of the biosphere. A system is a group of things that interact with one another. The organisms that make up the living part of an ecosystem are called biotic factors. An organism depends on other biotic factors for food, shelter, protection, and reproduction. Nonliving things that we find in an ecosystem are called abiotic factors. Abiotic factors have an effect on the type and number of organisms living in an ecosystem. Some abiotic factors include soil, water, temperature, and sunlight.
 Have students get into groups of three to think-pair-share about abiotic and biotic elements in their designated ecosystems. Discuss the various elements that may be found in an land ecosystem. Brainstorm elements and have students decide if the elements are abiotic or biotic.
 Students they may begin building their ecosystem. They will be given all the materials that they will need for the terrarium. Once students have completed the construction of their terrarium, students will explain how the plants will be able to survive in the terrarium portion of their ecosystem and what they, as students, must provide to ensure the success of the ecosystem (i.e. food, sunlight, oxygen, clean water).
Checking For Understanding:
 Students will be assessed on their ability to construct the terrarium part of their ecosystem. Students will be assessed on their drawings of food chains and food webs of their land biomes.
 Discuss new things that the students learned about land biomes. Summarize the characteristics of plants and animals in each biome and how they compare and contrast.
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