Lesson Plan : The Cardiovascular System

Teacher Name:
 Mrs. Margita
 Grade 1

 Introduction to the cardiovascular system. The Heart--Day 2.
 The cardiovascular system including the heart, blood, arteries, capillaries, veins and lungs. Basic understanding of the heart's role in the cardiovascular system including the right and left chambers.
 Students will have a basic understanding of the cardiovascular system. Students will obtain a basic understanding of the heart's role in the cardiovascular system and be able to create a page for their cardiovascular book.
 By watching videos, listening and participating in lectures, and hands on activities students will have a basic understanding of the cardiovascular system. After completing the discussion, reading and reviewing the text on the heart's role in the cardiovascular system, students will be able to complete the worksheet book page for the heart and add it to their Cardiovascular Book.
 Lecture notes, Science text book pages 53-54, The Heart worksheet (book page), and Pencils Science Text book pages 45-53 Lecture notes Cardiovascular work sheet Bulletin board or bucher paper Markers (red, blue, black and brown) Scissors Tape
 This week we will be discussing the cardiovascular system. Today we are going to learn about the cardiovascular system. We will start by watching an internet video and discuss what we learned. Then we will work together to trace your body and diagram what you learned from the video and our visit on your "body". Later you will cut out your "body" and hang it on the wall. Finally we will end the day by completing a worksheet covering what we learned today. Tomorrow we will go more in depth with each part of the system and begin creating our book. Today we are continuing our look into the cardiovascular system. We will be discussing the heart's role in the system and completing the heart page for our cardiovascular system books.
 Be sure to cover all of the parts of the system in the discussion. (heart, blood, capillaries, arteries, veins and lungs) Before you begin the discussion on the heart's role in the cardiovascular system show students the worksheet they will be completing at the end of the discussion. Explain how it will become a page in their books and what they will need to be listening for during the discussion.
 Lay out the student's roll of paper on the floor, tape down the corners. Have student lay on the paper. Trace around the outside of the student's body (this could be a partner job). Have the students draw in the heart, lungs and blood vessels they learned about. Have them use the red and blue markers to symbolize the oxygen depleted or oxygen rich blood. After they are done they can cut out their "body" and hang it on the wall. Read the text. Have a class discussion reviewing the heart's role in the cardiovascular system.
 Students with special needs may need assistance in drawing and labeling their body. Some students will also need to have the worksheet read to them. Flash cards could also be created for home study if needed. Gifted students can create more detailed drawings of the heart and lungs on their "body". Use The Cardiovascular Book by Theiss as a guide for them page 27 and 31 have great diagrams of the heart and lungs.
Checking For Understanding:
 At the end of the week's lessons a test will be given to determine the student's understanding of the cardiovascular system. Review the worksheet together. Walk around the classroom and check student progress.
 After completing today's activities students should have obtained a basic understanding of the cardiovascular system. Have students color the heart worksheet. Upon completing the worksheet have students place it in their science notebook to be used later in constructing their book.
 Grade the cardiovascular worksheet the students have completed. If there is a large group who miss more than 3 questions you will need to review again with them. Possibly watching the video again now that they have worked on creating their own "body" will give them a better understanding. Students will take a test at the end of the unit to evaluate their understanding of the cardiovascular system.
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