Lesson Plan : Observing Soil Types

Teacher Name:
 Kathleen A. Thomas
 Grade 3

 Lesson 2 The Earth Beneath You
 Vocabulary: soil, humus, clay soil, sandy soil, loam
 Students will observe a variety of soil types. Students will record data in a chart. Students will conclude how soils differ. Students will hypothesize which soil type (s) is in the area of the Chesapeake Bay based on prior knowledge and observations.
 Soil types: loam, clay soil, loam; magnifying glasses, paper plates, ELMO
 Review material from previously taught lesson on how soil forms, plant and animal decay (humus) as part of the soil, and rocks. Reinforce the process of the formation of rocks, sediment, and soil.
 Using the ELMO, identify the three types of soil. Demonstrate how to use the magnifying glass to observe each soil sample. Remind students to use scientific words when recording data in the chart set up during the previous lesson. Remind students to use their pencils to move soil carefully and not to touch their faces if they touch the soil samples.
Checking For Understanding:
 Circulate and ask questions about student observations and check data on charts.
 Answer questions from the observations. Ask students what soil type would exist in the Chesapeake Bay watershed area. How can we protect the soil as well as the areas in close proximity to the Chesapeake Bay?
 Students will observe and record data that is similar to the chart on PB71 in the textbook. Students should have an understanding the necessity of protecting the soil by not polluting the soil with unnecessary or unsafe liquids that will end up in the Chesapeake Bay.
Teacher Reflections:

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