Lesson Plan : The Thinking Cap

Teacher Name:
 Anna Surratt
 Grade 7-8

 Topic: Human Body-Control Vocabulary: Cerebrum, Frontal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, cerebellum, brain stem
 Subject Matter: Students will need to know that the brain is the control center of the body. The brain processes information from the senses in different areas of the brain. Vocabulary: Cerebrum, Frontal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, cerebellum, brain stem
 Analyze how the structure of the brain is adapted to perform specific functions. Analyze how the nervous system interacts with other body systems to provide for the needs of the human.
 Studnets will create a model of the cerebrum (a "Thinking Cap") which accurately identifies the location and function of each lobe.
 Newspaper strips, warm water, Elmers glue, bowls, butcher paper for desks, balloons, labels, copies of the rubric
 Warm-up question: Explain how the brain receives a message that you have touched something hot.
 -Use the warm-up question to review how sensory neurons carry messages to the brain and how motor neurons send a message to the muscles so that a reaction can take place in response to the stimulus.
 -Show students a diagram of the brain which depicts the different lobes. Explain that each lobe is in charge of receiving and interpreting messages from the sensory neurons. Use the prefixes to help students connect prior knowlege to the new words to identify the functions of each lobe. -Distribute diagrams of the brain. Have students correctly identify and label the lobes. -Identify the lobes and their functions. Connect this to the warm-up by having students decide which lobe would be in charge of interpreting the message described inte warm-up. -Model how to make a model of the brain (The Thinking Cap).
 -Modeling -Interactive activity -Group work -Hard copies of the notes -Visuals -1-on-1
Checking For Understanding:
 -Exit Ticket: each day, students will be provided with 1 question that relates to the functions of the lobes of the cerebrum. They should answer these questions on an exit ticket. The answers will be discussed in the following class. -1-on-1: as students work, I will monitor for comprehension by asking guided questions.
 -Allow time for questions and answers -Allow time for clean-up -Review exit ticket questions and allow students time to answer the question.
 -Rubric/1-on-1 conference: Students will reflect on their progress as well as conference with me on how well they think they accomplised thier goals. -Exit tickets
Teacher Reflections:
 -After completeing this lesson, I think that extra cushion room or accomodations are needed for students who are absent during the course of the project. For example, next year, I might need to plan an extra day for students to use the paper mache in case a student is absent. I will need to plan an activity for the students who were present and have already finished paper macheing.

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